Plant is 33 days old with only 1st circular leaves n first fan leaves are retarded


Well-Known Member
one of my plant is 33 days old, in a closet, under two spot gro grow bulbs, with fan circulation, window sill fresh air treatment, taken outside in sun sumtimes, 24-7 lighting, miracle grow and water, hasnt grown any in two weeks, its first set of fan are retarded looking small n shriviling up at the top a lil but are still green and dont seem to be dying, i was wonderin if i could cut them off and have new replacement leaves grow in to hurry up the process or what do i do becauser the plants growth is stunted completely n i dont want to lose it but i heard if a plant loses 50 percent of its leaves it will die and that will be the amount i will have to take off in order to cut them off cuz the plant is only bout 6 inches with its first circular leaves n retartded first fan leaves, what do i do? help please!!


Well-Known Member
Dont cut any leaves off unless they are completely dead, u can take off parts of a leaf if it needs it, but only if the area is dead. We really need some pics here to help u


Well-Known Member
What kind of water, is it PH'd? What is your watering schedule? I will bet it is either too watered, not enough wateer or bad waater. U should be using PH'd water 6-6.5 treated with Rev/Osmosis. U should only water when u stick ur fingr into the soil and it is dry all the way to your knuckle if u feel any moisture at zll dont water yet....


Well-Known Member
i water when top of soil looks almost completely dry, i do not water much, i use a combination of miracle grow and fresh cold water when i water them, i think the probably may of stemed from when i physicaly removed the shell during seedling stage the leaves are really small and wringly looking and it is stunted growth completely what can i do?


Well-Known Member
U need to check the water's PH before u put it on the plant and then test the PH the run off water after it runs through the soil and drains. It should be betwqeen 6 and 6.5 (DO NOT SKIP CHECKING THE PH ITS CRUCIAL FOR PLANT LIFE) I doubt the plant would still be showing effects from pulling off the shell casing.... Also your watering technique has to go!!!.. Stick your finger in to the knuckle and if u feel any moisture at all DO NOT WATER The light/sun will dry the top of the soil but the roots are still flooded and no oxygen is getting there. Also shake your water vigorously to aerate it before u apply it to the soil. I will also send u a link to in the next post to a nutrient troubleshooting chart if I can find it. U could have a deficiency of some sort. START WITH THE PH, u can buy a test kit at a pet shop for 6 bux


Active Member
Very nice. *bookmarked*

I'm not sure if anyone stated this, but a good way to avoid overwattering your plants is by simply cutting holes in the bottom of your pots to drain out any excess water.

Good luck with your plants though man. Post some pics up sometime if you can. :)


Well-Known Member
here are some pics of my plants, any help would be greatly appreciated i just noted that the first set of fan leaves are startin to brown at the tips and the very first set of leaves the circular ones are falling off, all 3 of my plants are 35 days old. i have one plant who only has its first circular leaves and midget first fan leaves that are startin to dry n yellow whatg can i do to save it it hasnt grown in two weeks.



Active Member
whoa shes looking like wilt chamberlin , you need to get your lights closer and get CFL's and dont water them COLD water, room temp water is fine


Well-Known Member
well last night one of my grow bulbs blew so i replaced it with a believe a 35 watt cfl im not sure n i still have one grow bulb on her, but im scarred if i move the light closer they'll burn, so id rather have strecthing then burns, right? help!!


Well-Known Member
It looks like a combination of too little light and far too much 'Miracle Gro'. At the risk of sounding negative, cut your losses and start again.


Well-Known Member
I don't know if this has been discussed or not yet (in this thread)..but you mentioned miracle gro...I am quite sure that its not the best nutrients to be using for your plants. I use a an organic dutch feed and i dillute it quite a bit.