Plant is budding..


Active Member
I got a really sick looking plant. Just a stock as thick as a pencil but real stiff, and about a 6 inch bud on it been budding for about 5 weeks. It just keeps getting bigger and bigger, but it worries me cause there is no smell at all, anyone know why? i post pics tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Ya i dont blame u bro, i go to canada to get my seeds. Fuck ordering through the mail, too risky if you ask me!


Active Member
Yup. Not only that but its cheaper to buy a ounce for $40 and its some killer shit.. one hit get me high,two get me stoned, three cant walk


Well-Known Member
But 1 female plant can produce more than an oune, and its somthing you did and can appreciate, and dont have to worry about getting shafted by shady ass people. Or ever having to look for a bag again!


Active Member
WTF is that? did you grow it from a seed or is it a clone you put straigh into budding? how big was it before you started to bud it?


Active Member
its an outdoor plant i just threw couple bag seeds in a pot and thats what came its something it dont smell but looks good. grew from a seed. i have never gave any nutes and only water once a week.


Well-Known Member
WTF is that? did you grow it from a seed or is it a clone you put straigh into budding? how big was it before you started to bud it?
Am I retarded or can you not put a plant into budding outdoors? (I know some ways but it doesnt look like he did them)

Did you just trim it...alot?


Active Member
i didnt touch it. leaves just fell off. that how it did. i had a 7ft monster but chopped it down was a male. i got 3 females. that one was about to die and i didnt pay much attition to it. then one day boom it was budding and i started watering it again.


Well-Known Member
sometimes the best thing you can do to your plant is just leave it alone and it will get better :fire:


Well-Known Member
no worries if no smell, its just the strain. thc doesn;t smell anyway.. nothing you can do about it except keep going and enjoy the smoke