plant is sick


Active Member
the very tips of my fan leaves are bending down. i read somewere add epson salt to the water to cure this alment? what is the problem / cure


Active Member
i havn't heard of that before but im fairly new at growing also but i think people could better help you if you had pictures of your plants

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
You dont use epsom salts unless leaves are turning yellow and the veins are still green. Its for a mag deficency! Im with 209 are you overwatering? Its a weed and doesnt need to stay wet all the time. Do you fertilize? How old is your plant? Need more info!


Well-Known Member
if it's the tips are curling down that is from overfertilizing. If the whole leaves droop instead of pointing up towards the light you are probably watering way too often.

Need pictures if you want more info than that. Most noobs do both mistakes from day one and it will kill the plant if you keep it up.

No ferts from now on until the plant shows signs it needs it. A month from now maybe.


Active Member
the plant is in its second week of flowering. so its about 6-7 weeks old. and the plant overall looks very healthy. i havent watered it in four days and teh tips of the leaves were still pointing down. i mean the plant looks health no discoloration or anything along those lines. its just the tips are curling down. im using a half dose of super bloom. i'll give it only water for a week or two see how things work. the plant is sensi seeds white widow fem