Plant is wilting need advice


New Member
Plants are wilting pretty bad not sure what happened or how to fix, any feed back or suggestions welcomed and appreciated. So the first two pis are the day or two after I changed the lights to start flowering they are 1000watt sodium hp bulbs. Plus I added phosphorus to nutes for flowering natures nectar to be specific. Besides that everything's the same the last picture is what the plant looked like before those changes where made any ideas of what went wrong? image.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpg


Look too hot and dry. Something didn't start back up right when you switched. You need to check every line, fan, your res, there's something wrong somewhere. Check pH, ec, temp, check e erything. That's not just from the switchover.


New Member
Keep temps around 74 degrees. Everything's functioning like it was before, ph checked regularly... I really think it was the phosphorus, could too much really kill the plants? Would you say the plant is going to die if it doesn't pull out of it by tomorrow?? The other plants don't look as bad as this one.


Well-Known Member
Are you SURE? That plants plain looks like you aren't getting any water to it at all. So heat or water. Its must be a kinked line. What bulbs did you switch out; MH? Oh, and phosphorus is overrated


New Member
Switched from 400 watt metal halide. Just raised the lights the other day also, plant is getting plenty of water the roots are bathing in water went back and checked to make sure again after suggestion. .image.jpg


If it is the phos you better flush it fast, but in my experience too much phos on healthy plants just causes a lockout, not death.


New Member
Flushed as soon as it started looking like that. Do we keep flushing or is there a way to correct the lockout?


400w to 1000w is quite a jump, but you say your temp hasn't changed and to raised your light so I gotta think its a water prob


Lockout should correct itself, but a nutrient lockout doesn't cause plants to wilt. That's something else.


New Member
The plant was big and healthy before it's literally two days later and it's awful I just don't get it. All the other plants are not affected like this...


New Member
Oh lighting I didn't have the flash on roots are white I promise, nutrient solution makes the water look murky.


That fucking sucks man. I feel terrible for you. If its the only plant doing that then it's the plant. Unfortunately you probably accidentally broke a stalk while switching over. Is it the whole plant or just the top? It could be roots if its the whole plant they should be bright white. If its the top you can probly trace it back to the break. It can be saved, wrap with wet peat and duct tape, yes duct tape at the break.


Well-Known Member
But it's just the one plant, right? Because if all the rest are looking fine and that one continues to collapse, you might want to consider taking it out and killing it for the health of the herd.


New Member
The whole plant every limb is limp, checked over again no broken stalk the middle is the only part up straight still:/ I wouldn't say there bright white just average white...idk maybe it's just waiting and hoping it pulls out:/ thanks for the suggestions.


Well-Known Member
Are the roots slimy feeling? That's the first sign of root rot before they brown out. It would surprise me your plant went that limp that quick while roots are still white but I'm scratching my head as to what is going on. Problems with the roots is all I can figure.


Well shit man I'm out of ideas. Sorry I couldn't help. It's got to be something with that container or plant. Something clogged or some shit. I lost everything about a month ago so I know how you feel.