Plant Issue! Assistance Greatly Appreciated!! Cant Diagnose Plant Issue


Active Member
Thank you in advance for taking the time to read and assist in my following issue.

It seems the lower foliage is slowly turning yellow/brown, shriveling up and dieing. The tips of many fan leaves are starting turn brown and curling upwards. The top foliage seems to be green and lush.
Not sure what the issue might be with the plants. Figured i would get an experts opinion on what the diagnosis might be, and how to correct whats happening.

Roots Organic soil
Running 800watts mh
Dyna Grow Foliage Pro
Water every other day
Feed @ 350-400 PPM
water P.h. 5
Veg time 1 month
temp 75 degrees
RH: 40%
Light cycle 20/4


Thank you all in advance!


Well-Known Member
Almost all nutes will lock out except manganese, boron and iron in a ph of 5 in soil. Get your ph to at least 6.5 and your plant will thrive.


Active Member
You sure that is due to the ph of the water? Ph is causing the deficiency?

Also the top foliage is starting to turn from lush green to a grean-yellowish. The tips are starting to brown, and curl up as well.


Well-Known Member
looks like a case of fucked up PH....once my meter needed to be calibrated and i ended up giving my plants water ph'd around 4.5 on accident and a few of them did the same exact thing.