Plant looks tired, possible stress? pics inside

The heat and extra light is causing this, raise the lights and put that one into the corner for being a naughty and to recover and reduce watering.
shit. I can't raise the lights, the bulbs are fixed to the ceiling and the pots are too big. that's why I didn't transplanted it into a bigger pot, not enough room.
should I take 1 2700k cfl off? will 75w be enough for 1 plant? (the other 2 are using the other 2 6500k cfls)
View attachment 2670901 Many a plant has been killed by worried plant hypochondriacs going gung ho on there plants all because of a browing leaf. just saying

Obviously it's not the soil as the other two are doing just fine and you are using a "light" mixture and presumably feeding your plants properly. How old is the plant? Older leaves do die off on their own as new ones grow at the top.

You haven't noticed any tiny bugs running around on the underside of the leaves have you?

The lighting probably isn't your problem either. Not saying that there actually IS a problem..

Dude, you should see how F'd up my plants look right now. I'm not worried. I'm a little bummed cuz they aren't going to win any beauty contests, but they are still chugging along just fine. As you start to try new products, you'll find that some EVEN IF YOU USE LESS THAN THE DIRECTED AMOUNT will still do a lot of damage to your plants. Dyno-Gro Protekt is one of those. I used it twice as a foliar spray and turned half of my leaves yellow and made some of the others crispy. Those plants are still doing fine. I have a feeling that as your plant gets bigger, you'll start to worry less about a few spots on a couple of leaves.

Flushing puts your plants through a bit of stress and you will probably see some leaf curl going on for the next day or so while you let it dry. I don't think it was necessary, but it obviously made you feel a little better... or at least I hope. If it was a toxicity, which I don't think it was, then it should be fine now.