Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

Just some thoughts and observations.

1. You guys need to learn what makes a plant tick. Which means if this your first time at growing indoor plants, it will show as such.

2. Do not use a paper towel to germinate. Germinate directly in soil using pots that are at least 6" tall.

3. Give them plenty of water. Incorporating organics like blood meal and bone meal is good.

4. Don't worry about pH and RH. Cannabis is pH tolerant regarding elemental uptake and RH is irrelevant if you have a decent root system.

5. It's all in the balance. If you understand that balance, this is the results you should expect. Note the lighting, temps, etc. - By week 3, my plants required watering twice a day, and when I water, I drench until there is a lot of free runoff.

6. Cannabis forums are the worst places to lurk if you truly want to learn how to garden. Apply your papa's tomato techniques and you'll be fine. Apply cannabis forum techniques and you will surely screw the whole thing up.

Good luck,
Uncle Ben

I crack my seeds in shallow tap water. It takes about 48 hours or less for them to pop and then I transplant them them into their medium. The thing that weirds me out is with any other plant I would use the standard technique you mentioned. I think you just inspired me to stop being a weirdo and crack my next batch the same way I would do with any seed! Thanks.

Happy Crackilackin:),
Yep, never stress a plant due to a lack of moisture, plus it ruins the soil structure. When plants lack moisture, it stunts them as carbo production is compromised.

Amen! A LOT of people are telling growers that causing stress by not watering explodes growth. I know one thing-a sad shrunken, brown dead root ball is not going to produce more flowers!
If folks would observe normal plant culture, done by normal (typical) gardeners, they might get some where. I've never witnessed so many ways to fuck up a simple flowering foliage plant like I have in these forums. Good example: "A LOT of people are telling growers that causing stress by not watering explodes growth." They don't know what in the hell they're doing. It's the blind leading the blind.
If folks would observe normal plant culture, done by normal (typical) gardeners, they might get some where. I've never so many ways to fuck up a simple flowering foliage plant like I have in these forums. Good example: "A LOT of people are telling growers that causing stress by not watering explodes growth." They don't know what in the hell they're doing. It's the blind leading the blind.

What i have found out is that there definetly is improvement in growth when you let your pots dry out sufficiently enough in soil. I use some 7 gal pots and i go about 4-5 days between waterings. That seems to be their sweet spot.
Just some thoughts and observations.

1. You guys need to learn what makes a plant tick. Which means if this your first time at growing indoor plants, it will show as such.

2. Do not use a paper towel to germinate. Germinate directly in soil using pots that are at least 6" tall.

3. Give them plenty of water. Incorporating organics like blood meal and bone meal is good.

4. Don't worry about pH and RH. Cannabis is pH tolerant regarding elemental uptake and RH is irrelevant if you have a decent root system.

5. It's all in the balance. If you understand that balance, this is the results you should expect. Note the lighting, temps, etc. - By week 3, my plants required watering twice a day, and when I water, I drench until there is a lot of free runoff.

6. Cannabis forums are the worst places to lurk if you truly want to learn how to garden. Apply your papa's tomato techniques and you'll be fine. Apply cannabis forum techniques and you will surely screw the whole thing up.

Good luck,
Uncle Ben

Hey, what would you recommend for the amount of blood and bone meal to put in the soil for seedlings?
Hey, what would you recommend for the amount of blood and bone meal to put in the soil for seedlings?

Oh......about 2 Tblsp. each in 10 gallons of soil. Watch blood meal. For an organic it is pretty quick acting and can be 'hot'.

Everything about gardening is finding the right balance. A plant will grow fastest with a consistent supply of moisture at its roots, and nutrients. That's pure science.

The cannabis forum paradigm of wet/dry cycles you read about is hearsay, it's wrong, and parroted by folks that don't know what they're doing....who often have been burned (by their own hand) because they kept their soil too wet which induced a decaying root system. So, they become gun shy and warn folks to let their pots dry out between watering. Fine, just stunt the plant and create soil structure problems. :hump:

It's all relative to the amount of wicking action of the foliage. If you go 4-5 days between waterings, then you have cultural issues, too large a pot for the limited bulk of your roots and foliage. Indoors I used to water 5 gallon pots TWICE a day with at least one quart of water each time from 4 weeks veg on.

Uncle Ben
Oh......about 2 Tblsp. each in 10 gallons of soil. Watch blood meal. For an organic it is pretty quick acting and can be 'hot'.

Everything about gardening is finding the right balance. A plant will grow fastest with a consistent supply of moisture at its roots, and nutrients. That's pure science.

The cannabis forum paradigm of wet/dry cycles you read about is hearsay, it's wrong, and parroted by folks that don't know what they're doing....who often have been burned (by their own hand) because they kept their soil too wet which induced a decaying root system. So, they become gun shy and warn folks to let their pots dry out between watering. Fine, just stunt the plant and create soil structure problems. :hump:

It's all relative to the amount of wicking action of the foliage. If you go 4-5 days between waterings, then you have cultural issues, too large a pot for the limited bulk of your roots and foliage. Indoors I used to water 5 gallon pots TWICE a day with at least one quart of water each time from 4 weeks veg on.

Uncle Ben

Wow are you joking me???? I have cultural issues. Yea my ballsack has cultural issues. I get at least 20 oz per 1000 watt light and my lbs go for no less than $3700 each. That does not happen for no reason my friend. I let my pots dry out untill they get kinda light. Many experts recommend to do it that way. However they are always variables with diffrent strains.
Continue to do it your way. It seems like a lot of pointless back breaking effort but hey whatever works for you. I like the convenience and luscious growth i get by waterig every 4-5 days in 7 gal pots.. However i have taken note to what your saying and now im thinking that an automatic drip/water system might be a pretty good idea. Also some days i might consider watering every 2-3 days instead of 4. also i appreciate the help with the other stuff.
Wow are you joking me???? I have cultural issues. Yea my ballsack has cultural issues. I get at least 20 oz per 1000 watt light and my lbs go for no less than $3700 each. That does not happen for no reason my friend. I let my pots dry out untill they get kinda light. Many experts recommend to do it that way. However they are always variables with diffrent strains.
Continue to do it your way. It seems like a lot of pointless back breaking effort but hey whatever works for you. I like the convenience and luscious growth i get by waterig every 4-5 days in 7 gal pots.. However i have taken note to what your saying and now im thinking that an automatic drip/water system might be a pretty good idea. Also some days i might consider watering every 2-3 days instead of 4. also i appreciate the help with the other stuff.

I think i spoke too quick.. Im a noob to 7 gal pots. I usually use 3 gal. Uncle Ben your right, 4-5 days is too long. im thinking 2-3 days is about right....
my leaves are cupping as well but im not over watering?? they are curling down like claws. i let the pots dry out like 3 days and they were bone dry so i HAD to water them. but the cupping has not changed. HELP
my leaves are cupping as well but im not over watering?? they are curling down like claws. i let the pots dry out like 3 days and they were bone dry so i HAD to water them. but the cupping has not changed. HELP

This is a water issue. This is an underwatering issue. You have excess salt buildup in your media, so even when you water, it takes days for you plants to take up water because of the salt build up. During Flower do not let your pots run dry or your yield will suffer. You might also be over fertilizing.

Haven't been on these forums for 2 years and I like to see UB answering the same old watering questions...

same as it ever was
same as it ever was...

ditto! Im doing the same thing, I spent like way too much money buying so many different systems, I got everything from ebb & flow , buckets, pro mix..LOL too many to fit under my light at once.. all in a rush to learn how to grow, so i can get my Tora Bora seeds going, and stop paying others for my medicine! Good luck!
Good evening, my young plants are drooping and one has some burn at the tips. This is my first grow. My guess is that I'm overwatering and had some burn from ph being off? Only one plant is burned while the others are a little yellow. Any feedback is greatly appreciated.pic1.jpg
well,i am not that experienced,but looks like nute burn+overwatering as well.there are others,who know better,but if these were my plants,i would cut the nutes for a while and reduce the watering (and feeding when they recover from the nute burn).in my opinion there are too many complications with hydro,especially for first time small mistake-plants are ruined.if your first grow fails for some reason,try soil next time,and once you get better and learn more,go for hydro.+in soil you do not have to worry for the ph too much.
Need help becuz I'm just starting out and one of my seedling look weird one is turning a little purple and curling up its like 1 1.5 inches tall what's wrong
Hey UB, I have an issue that i will attempt to describe. Plants is 4'tall, is flowering for 3 weeks now. B/C we were expecting an entire week of no sun i decided to get a few lights, (2)2700K and bring it inside( 4days) and continue my 12/12. I included a fan and the temp was a nice cool inside 78ish A/C temp.( i live in Fl, it's end of june) Then the sun came back out and so I her buddy outside again and to my horror she wilted almost instantly. Also I had just started the molasses watering a week earlier with great results. I took the plant over to his garage and parked it for the night. In the Am she was perfect once again and back to normal. A few hrs later she was all drooped over and wilted once again. A lot of yellow leaves and now the leaves are super limp and cupping/rolling inwards. The soil is moist but not wet and was wondering if tomorrow she is again doing great, in the AM, do I need to finish the process inside or let her adjust to the hot temps over the next few days. I have no special tools..just my eye and a green thumb. I have 2 others that i just left outside during the same time frame and they are just fine with the same watering schedule & molasses mix( 1TBSP/Gal). Thanks if your still around to answer.

Hey UB, I have an issue that i will attempt to describe. Plants is 4'tall, is flowering for 3 weeks now. B/C we were expecting an entire week of no sun i decided to get a few lights, (2)2700K and bring it inside( 4days) and continue my 12/12. I included a fan and the temp was a nice cool inside 78ish A/C temp.( i live in Fl, it's end of june) Then the sun came back out and so I her buddy outside again and to my horror she wilted almost instantly. Also I had just started the molasses watering a week earlier with great results. I took the plant over to his garage and parked it for the night. In the Am she was perfect once again and back to normal. A few hrs later she was all drooped over and wilted once again. A lot of yellow leaves and now the leaves are super limp and cupping/rolling inwards. The soil is moist but not wet and was wondering if tomorrow she is again doing great, in the AM, do I need to finish the process inside or let her adjust to the hot temps over the next few days. I have no special tools..just my eye and a green thumb. I have 2 others that i just left outside during the same time frame and they are just fine with the same watering schedule & molasses mix( 1TBSP/Gal). Thanks if your still around to answer.


Sounds like the root system is shot. Only one way to find out - pop it out of its pot and take a look.
im still in 7 gal pots, i water every other day now. its 30 days into flower. I am scared to water everyday like uncle ben suggests because i dont like root rot or anerobic bacteria. Right now i have Buds Larger than my forearm!
waz up rollitup this is my first post here and i have a problem my seedlings are turning light green or yellowish they are 6 days from sprout and i think they are stunned i have 2 20watt lights on it 24/0 and its an auto ak47 .120629-141312.jpg120629-141254.jpg