Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions


Well-Known Member
would you maybe know why my leaves are turning yellow ? there not cupping or turning or anything there just going yellow .... i am using soil with a growtex grow formula .... shes about a month old ...i dont over water always let soil dry before watering again ...but not dry fully all the time... i just cant get it maybe you can help ??

It's hard to tell without a pic. Here are a couple of places that posts pics so you can figure out which problem you have...

I hope that helps

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
i know i overwatered my babies so if i don't water it for a while will the leaves start to uncurl?
I doubt it. You've probably screwed up the health of the root system (induced rot). I've also found that once this kind of stress reaction occurs, it usually never returns to normal. Let us know with a few pix in a couple of days.



Well-Known Member
Heh. I guess UB feels you completely flooded them :). I guess it depends on how badly you over-watered them and how often you do it. I over-watered my recent seedlings to the point they get nitrogen and calcium deficiency on lowest two sets of leaves. I lost a couple of leaves, and got a fair bit of damage done to them, but they've all perked up now and are growing better.

Hopefully UB's prediction of doom doesn't come to pass.

Sexxxy Beast

Active Member
Well now that I realize I over fed them, I do want to change that, I read that i can flush them out with nutrient less water. BUT i am worried that if i flush them, they will get even more water stress. Should I or shouldnt I?

Here is a couple snaps the bank of plants (first row of plants) that I watered again with nutrient solution.

The hardest part of this whole thing is trying to help them only makes it worst. Its hard to just let them do their thing. I have alot invested in this, like $600 in this grow room, plants, license etc.
I was reading that the lucas formula is supposed to use 1000-1300 ppm, I am not having any luck with a reduced formula, infact the whole plant is turning yellow, the stem is purple, etc. Even on the GH website it states that for mild growth I need 900 on new plants then ramp it up from there.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
I was reading that the lucas formula is supposed to use 1000-1300 ppm, I am not having any luck with a reduced formula, infact the whole plant is turning yellow, the stem is purple, etc. Even on the GH website it states that for mild growth I need 900 on new plants then ramp it up from there.
Obviously, the "Lucas formula" doesn't work well but folks keep using it because of all the talk. I've analyzed his recommendation and found it lacking in N and certain micros. You want a complete hydro food? Then go with Dyna-Gro.

It's all about the degree and ratio of elements, don't get hung up on ppm. If you ramp up K by increasing the overall amount, which locks out the most important plant elements - N, Mg, and Ca...... then you haven't given your plants what they require. There is an antagonistic elemental concept you guys need to understand before running off hitting them with this and that.

Good luck,


Hey uncle ben, weed god :)

Im curious to what you may think the problem with these plants are? There are 5 plants, some have one symptom, some have another symptom , the others have all the symptoms in the pictures.
The symptoms are twisted leaves , one or two have small holes in them , and some have the yellow tips/ patches as can be seen.

Also don't you think that these plants have a great spacing between their shoots , to say they are only small ( probably 5-6 inches tall ). However they are very short for 5 week old plants, but i think they were stressed at the start by introducing too much fertilizer, too quickly. Not to mention that they are being grown in a VERY soft water area, and hard water ionic nutrients were used for a week or two at the start of nutrient introduction.

Any help would be appreciated. PH 6 , canna a+b nutes, canna coco coir medium.250w hps 18/6 .

Canna recommend ph 5.5 - 6.2 for their coir + nutrients.
When they were started off , using the hard water nutrients , the ph was as low as 4.5 - and one or two plants showed the same symptoms, but one really thrived and was at least twice as big as the rest lol.
Could jumping from 4.5 to 6 upset them ?

My first guess was magnesium deficiency, but im not so sure now.

edit : also i've just remembered that the plants have been moved. The plants were less wilted before the location was changed, and now they live with a lower temperature. Could a low temp be causing problems?

picture 1 : nasty yellow patches
2 : hole in leafs
3 : twisted leaf
4 : the best plant

Thanks :)

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
The dots are the start of leaf necrosis. A leaf doesn't drop overnight, it first shows symptoms of a plant that is in stress. Probably nute related.

They do indeed look stunted, probably due to a lack of N.


i have brand new seedlings i had gerinated in a paper towel. the leaves that are coming out are really small and curled up. also they are differennt sizes than each other. the plant is trying to come out with its first set of 3fingered leaves but plant is really stressed does anybody have a clue what is wrong
I am a newbie to hydroponics and this is my first growand I'm having a few problems. Below are pictures of the 2 plants having problems. I don't know if its overwatering, underwatering, too much nutrients or not enough. I'm using Advanced Nutrients Sensi Grow Part A & B. The PH stayed perfect up until a couple days ago when this started. I got the PH back in normal range. My PPM is below 800. It is about at 600ppm. I don't know what to do to reign this back in control before my plants are destroyed. I knew I wouldn't get it right the first time. I expected that. It's a learning process. I've tried reading books on marijuana hydroponics and plant problems and I can't find the answers to fix this. Help!


Ebban Flow

Well-Known Member
UB or anyone else that can help, I'm in 5th week of flowering and I have some purple discoloration on my fan leaves from as far as I can tell a lack oh phosphorus (used straight water when I should have added nutes one week). I've taken steps to correct this but I'm wondering if the discoloration will go away once corrected or is it there untill the end now?
Any information or advice is much appreciated, thanks.


Active Member
I am a newbie to hydroponics and this is my first growand I'm having a few problems. Below are pictures of the 2 plants having problems. I don't know if its overwatering, underwatering, too much nutrients or not enough. I'm using Advanced Nutrients Sensi Grow Part A & B. The PH stayed perfect up until a couple days ago when this started. I got the PH back in normal range. My PPM is below 800. It is about at 600ppm. I don't know what to do to reign this back in control before my plants are destroyed. I knew I wouldn't get it right the first time. I expected that. It's a learning process. I've tried reading books on marijuana hydroponics and plant problems and I can't find the answers to fix this. Help!
Looks like over feeding to me. That small you should be at 1/4 dose of nutes. No more than 200 above the ppm of your water.
That makes sense. I bet I was giving the dose you give right before you change to flowering. That's really all it says. That one dosage. Doesn't mention what to give when they are little. That would be way too much and would explain the brown burned like edges. I'm going to drain the reservoir and give it fresh water and give it like you told me. Thanks for responding. I appreciate it.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
I've taken steps to correct this but I'm wondering if the discoloration will go away once corrected or is it there untill the end now?
Any information or advice is much appreciated, thanks.
It won't go away. Try to understand that when a plant gives you these signs, it stating what's to come which is usually necrosis if the problem is not corrected.

Ebban Flow

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the quick reply. I have been reading as many of your posts as I can and attempting to emulate your style of no nonsense growing, staying away from all the bs, and just using common sense and treating it like any other plant. Just wanted to say thank you for taking your time and sharing your knowledge with us that are less experienced than yourself. Thanks dude.


hey man im a first time grower just got a couple clones they look healthy iv been doin 18/6 on light but im starting to get holes in the center of the leafs anything u can tell me to help me out befor it gets to bad
Looks like over feeding to me. That small you should be at 1/4 dose of nutes. No more than 200 above the ppm of your water.
Thank you so much for the quick reply. You were right. It was overfeeding. I cut back on the nutes to what you said and the first plant that was least affected has now doubled in size and is doing great. The one that had alot of brown on the edges has healthy leaves coming out so we'll see how that one goes. I appreciate you helping me out.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the quick reply. I have been reading as many of your posts as I can and attempting to emulate your style of no nonsense growing, staying away from all the bs, and just using common sense and treating it like any other plant. Just wanted to say thank you for taking your time and sharing your knowledge with us that are less experienced than yourself. Thanks dude.
You got it. It's all about botany and balancing all horticultural growth factors. The sooner you understand NPK values of the products you're using, the better.

Good luck,