plant not growing..


I transplated 4 dayz ago and my plant just stopped growing its about 17days old. Oh and 1 of the lower leaves is drying out that was happening b4 the transplant other then that she looks ok to me it my 1st grow. What should I do? And transplanted for hf to ffof.



Well-Known Member
What is the soil you're using? not sure if it's the camera but that plant looks pretty pale to me.


It is a sweet auto skunk. The dirt is fox farm ocean forest I transplanted from happy frog in a Dixie cup


Well-Known Member
Usually the plant needs a few days to recover from the shock of transplanting, give her a few days. Did you water her when you transplanted? You should always water when transplanting when she is in her new pot. Then let her chill for awhile, don't overwater, only water when soil dries out, check the top two inches of soil, a plant that size only needs water every four days at most!


Well-Known Member
Yes it can take time to recover. It helps to make sure its rootbound before repotting and watered so the rootball stays intact.


it`s stunted ,it could last up to 1 or two weeks,depends on the temperature and ph of the soil.
relatively high temperature and relatively low PH favors root development.


When I water the ph is 6.6 never checked the run off butt next time I water I'm gonna check the run off what should it b?


Well-Known Member
That plant looks fine. Just let her do her thing. And that lower leaf is damaged from handling. Nothing to worry about.


well,the ph must be the same as the soil it was in before.
Just beware not to overwater have patience your plant looks fine it will be ok
keep her in good temps and humidity and you`ll have no problem.


Thanx for all the help its bin real helpful patients is the key I c. Oh and the plant is outside its n the 80's everyday the last frost has passed is it to early for her?


Active Member
looks like she could do with a nitrogen feed, leaves look a little pale. otherwise starting to develope branches, she bout to take off.