Plant over or underwatered


I am currently growing 1 lowryder#2 and an og kush under a 400w hps. the lowryder is growing really well but the og kush leaves are drooping.
I have given both the same watering schedule, watering when the soil feels dry at the top.
they have been growing for 3 weeks.
Not sure if it has been over or underwatered?



Well-Known Member

You should learn* to water by the weight of your container (or at least stick your finger way down in it), just checking the surface of the soil is bound to fail.


Well-Known Member
How frequently do you water?
If you pick up your pot, after watering, then wait 3-4 days and pick it up again, you will feel the difference in weight.
Also, another thing I do, since I have outdoor plants, is feel the side of the pot close to the top, and compare the temperature to how the pot feels down lower.
If the temps are close, I know the soil down low is almost dry like the top, but if the bottom is colder, from the evening air, I know it still has plenty of water.