plant overwaterd?

hello, this morning i noticed that 1 plant had fallen down so i pushed some more soil around it to make her stand
then the rest followed all bending down i think its because of the rain they have been overwaterd but i am not sure
here are some pics


if overwatering is not the issue here please tell me what is
and what should i do now?

thanks alot

no clue

Well-Known Member
Looks to me like it may be over watered. If so, all you can do is don't over water them more..let them dry out. You could really use some perlite in your soil. It looks dark and compact. There are drain holes in your pots Yes?
Looks to me like it may be over watered. If so, all you can do is don't over water them more..let them dry out. You could really use some perlite in your soil. It looks dark and compact. There are drain holes in your pots Yes?
yes there are drain holes but when i got to them under the pot was filled with water
and i will look for some perlite tommarow thanks

edit: should i just put the perlite on top of the soil
or mix it with new soil en put it in a bigger pot?


Well-Known Member
You are not ready to transplant yet, way too much water is causing the leaves to way outgrow the stalk, what type of lights are you using
You are not ready to transplant yet, way too much water is causing the leaves to way outgrow the stalk, what type of lights are you using
i was using the sunlight until it started pooring out here
so now i bought a warm white and a cool white fluorescent light
i taped some alluminium on the wall then turned them on 12 hours a day


Well-Known Member
You want them on 18/6 not 12/12 that will come later, you have to watch what you feed her as that is very poor lighting and the leaves will continue to grow. Dont water unless there is at least two inches of dry soil on the top and you notice a slight seperation between the end of the soil and the begining of the pot, you are going to have to let her roots go and find the food so to say for that stalk to start to catch up with verticle growth. You understand what I mean? Also do you have a fan blowing, dont let it blow right on her buy more around her so you see that plant slightly moving and leave that on 24/7 this will also help make the stalk stronger and thicker.


Well-Known Member
what he said. also to answer your question on the perlite you should start with a pre-made potting mix, these have all u need mixed in and is nice and loose for u. if u want to mix in perlite, get the rootball outta there if u just transplanted and mix it in. a good percent is 30% perlite 70% soil. good luck!


Well-Known Member
When it is time to transplant here is a thought, get new pot and soil and perilite, I use Happy Frog you can get at home depot or lowes. I put a few inches, than one handfull etc et until it is full. Now mix it up real well and water the new soil I mean drench it and let sit outside to dry. DO NOT FEED YOUR PLANT THAT DAY Now the next day dig a hole in the new pot so you can slide your existing pot in and out like an ice cube. With your current pot and plant dry tap the sides of the pot and if it is dry enough you can hold the stalk, tip the plant and it should pop right out, slide it into the new hole in the new pot you dug the hole, cover with soil and water. If you do it this way you will have zero stress on the plant and the roots will then go into the moist soil and start to grow and feed.
You want them on 18/6 not 12/12 that will come later, you have to watch what you feed her as that is very poor lighting and the leaves will continue to grow. Dont water unless there is at least two inches of dry soil on the top and you notice a slight seperation between the end of the soil and the begining of the pot, you are going to have to let her roots go and find the food so to say for that stalk to start to catch up with verticle growth. You understand what I mean? Also do you have a fan blowing, dont let it blow right on her buy more around her so you see that plant slightly moving and leave that on 24/7 this will also help make the stalk stronger and thicker.
yeah i know what you mean i did alot of research about home growing and thanks alot for the transplant tips
because i was planning to transplant them the same day
what he said. also to answer your question on the perlite you should start with a pre-made potting mix, these have all u need mixed in and is nice and loose for u. if u want to mix in perlite, get the rootball outta there if u just transplanted and mix it in. a good percent is 30% perlite 70% soil. good luck!
alright i will search for that soil soon
thanks for the info :D


Well-Known Member
when u transplant u can score the roots so they grow out quicker. some use a knife and cut vertically-down and others just loosen the roots w/ hands. It is good to have a layer of perlite on the bottom to make the roots not bound up all wierd.