Plant Problem. blotchy stops on leaves


Hey grower friends

Lets see where do I start My plants are about 4 and a half weeks old. They have been fine but about a week ago I noticed spider mites, and a weird looking bug. So i bought some 3 in 1 garden spray and that seemed to kill them. However I noticed a few days later that there where spots on the leaves if you notice in pictures 64, 66.) . I have read the detailed explanation about deficiency and frequent plant problems but I can't really determine what it is. Hence this post. another problem that I already know about is that I added too much high N fertilizer and burned the tips of the leaves. so i flused them but the spots remain (of course). Just wanted to get an opinion or too. Thanks for reading. Any other comments are appreciated as well (I'm attaching a few more photos just in case).




New Member
Just a little nute burn. Nothing to be concerned about. Just water without nutes a couple of times and any progression will be stopped. Those leaves may progress a bit but I've had damage like that last the entire grow. Otherwise they look good!


Well-Known Member
well the plant looks really good..1st of all especially top shot..hmmm..well it tiz the season for mites. .. dont know bout ur 3 and 1 spray..but my guess is u might have killed the adults..but the babies are soon 2 hatch..there lil bastards...keep on spraying them daily with water..and off and on with soapy water...make sure to do this according to ur light schedule..u may want to spray right be4 the lights go out if ur on 18/6..dont burn ur leaves.w/the spraying via ur light. also pick up some neem or einstien oil..and use it faithfully in the summer and spring time probably year round ..if ur winters dont kill em...use it foliarly as well once a week per 1/4teaspoon of 70% neem oil to 1 gal of water..or 100 percent neem if u can find it. i dont see any white spotting so u look alright..but the sprays will discourage anything else attacking ur suffocates them.. u dont want to start flowering with an existing bug infestation..other than that u look good..make sure ur ph is good..hope that helps


well the plant looks really good..1st of all especially top shot..hmmm..well it tiz the season for mites. .. dont know bout ur 3 and 1 spray..but my guess is u might have killed the adults..but the babies are soon 2 hatch..there lil bastards...keep on spraying them daily with water..and off and on with soapy water...make sure to do this according to ur light schedule..u may want to spray right be4 the lights go out if ur on 18/6..dont burn ur leaves.w/the spraying via ur light. also pick up some neem or einstien oil..and use it faithfully in the summer and spring time probably year round ..if ur winters dont kill em...use it foliarly as well once a week per 1/4teaspoon of 70% neem oil to 1 gal of water..or 100 percent neem if u can find it. i dont see any white spotting so u look alright..but the sprays will discourage anything else attacking ur suffocates them.. u dont want to start flowering with an existing bug infestation..other than that u look good..make sure ur ph is good..hope that helps

Thanks for the quick reply I'll try and find the neem but I'm broke... hence this little pot experiment. It's also nice to know that for my first grow things are going well. I guess reading the marijuana growers guide book paid off... I did do the ph test tonight and it's a cheap test so the color was hard to make out but it says that its slightly acidic, I was wondering if you could reccommend a good ph balancer that i could find at my house since the lack of fundage...
but thanks again. oh and i wanted your opinion on when to harvest and if you feel like the more times you harvest will over time produce more grass...


p.s. do you think that its weird that I quit smoking grass and started growing a plant? lol


Well-Known Member
8weeks is pretty general..but as u approach this mark start checkn ur trichromes with a magnifying glass...50/50 amber to cloudy ratio..better yet, make sure to go 2 the harvest and curing forum and read the tutorial on harvesting from FDD...thatll get u going..and if u cant acertain the color strips, u need 2 come up with the 100 bucks and buy a digital gauge..ur going 2 need it...u can try putting a piece of computer paper behind the vial when ur checking it against the chart..that kinda helps but they suk anyways. get the digital'll then be able to adjust water...and check run more ontop of shit. i jsut use ph up and down in my res where i store 50 gallons of tap water , and run a bubbler in it.