Plant problem desperate for help please


Worried about my plant it's 3 weeks into flower and is very light green compared to the other plants it also has curling brown tips and isn't drinking it water , the leafs stems are purpley red and the leaves also look like they are lighter near the edges but some edges are also brown/purple pictures included please help she's not drinking! Thank you



Well-Known Member
what are you feeding it, what medium pot size and any other info. not knowing anything I would say you are feeding it a low n high p medium k food with no suplements


The problem has started since starting to feed bloom nutes which is old timers bloom 3-5-2 and I'm feeding 3ml per litre , would that mean that it would stop drinking tho ? And how do I fix this more nutes maybe ?

I'm using plagron light mix

I'm growing in 3 gal pots


Well-Known Member
how long it been in 12/12? what size pot and how long has it been in it? it may have stopped drinking because its had enough nutes and needs less. may be at a point in flower that it does not need to drink much could be many things... could be several things. might could use some cal mag.


It's 3 weeks in flower and all my other plants are alot darker in colour this plant is light green and the others are drinking alot! How would I give cal mag is this the problem?

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
So what would be your next step from here as my soil is still thoroughly wet ? And would that explain the not drinking also?
I am wondering if that may be your problem, root issues. I am not saying it is but a few of the pics the leaves are clawing. With the nutes your using I doubt it N toxicity. Thats what leads me to to wonder about that plants root system.


I am wondering if that may be your problem, root issues. I am not saying it is but a few of the pics the leaves are clawing. With the nutes your using I doubt it N toxicity. Thats what leads me to to wonder about that plants root system.
So what would you say I do I do have some mychorrize great white shark


Well-Known Member
I would give it half grow half cal mag next watering then every other feeding after that bloom on the off feedings. be sure to let her dry out properly like mr s said if your roots are fucked up there no point keeping them wet and rotting so make sure your dry before any more water of feeding. from here the problem looks minor and could be corrected with a proper feeding schedule

Po boy

Well-Known Member
So what would be your next step from here as my soil is still thoroughly wet ? And would that explain the not drinking also?
a fan blowing across the plant and container helps a lot with drying, as well as lowering humidity. if the soil is saturated the plant can't absorb anything. GL