Plant Problem Med Patient please help


Hello everyone thank you for taking the time to read this. I am sorry if this is in wrong place this is first post on a forum

I am a patient doing first grow and experiencing a problem with 1 of my plants
I watered with only ph 6.2 water and the next day it looks like this

could some1 please assist me

if you click on pictures they should go larger
thank you



where was the water taken from?

It was distilled water out of a gallon jug. I was told this was okay if I PH'd it properly. I watered 24 hours ago and my plant looked fine and healthy now it looks like this. Bottom leaves curling down and feel brittle. Top leaves curling up and feel like dry paper

I tried to look in my two grow books and the charts online and I found nothing that looked like this or set on so quickly


Hey BrockMed just some ideas that jump to mind... Have you checked your soil PH? If this is off this will cause lockouts of nutrients needed by the plant. Cannabis can thrive in a range of 6.5 to 7.0 PH. Also what are your nutrient feedings like? From the pictures it looks like nute burn. From what i can see in the pictures anyway it looks like your lower leaves have a very dark green nitrogen rich look as well as the "nitrogen claw" look from over feeding. Just some things that jump to mind. Hope it helps:peace:


thank you all for your response

I am growing the "Hempy" with perlite vermiculite there is only little soil around roots from when it was a seedling in a plastic cup

I feed general hydroponic flora series of micro grow and bloom I fed this Cali Magic and micro with bloom a week ago but I notice dark green leaves as you have said and thought nitrogen was too high so I just watered this time yesterday and today it looks like this

I have seen the over fertilizing many times on the books but they do not say that it covers the whole plant this fast that is why I am so confused


also there were no problems with plant before yesterdays water other than the dark green leaves as mentioned it was not curling or brown spots anywhere to be found until today


Well-Known Member
from what i read in ed rosenthal handbook, it seems to me like a calcium def. the book states that distilled,reverse osmosis,and tap water often lack calcium.also it states that your soil/mediums ph could be off balance. one teaspoon of hydrated lime per gallon of water will absorb rather quickly and put a halt to the problem, but check out a couple threads in mj problems
best o luck to ya