As the days progress i am starting to notice that the lower leaves on my plants are turning yellow on some another plant has that along with some weird discoloration on the leaves spread out over the plant and then seem to be sorta brittle in a way and most of the plants leaves are curling under. I'm thinking its a Mg deficiency am i right? if it is can i foliar feed with Epsom salts to cure this? Please help all these plants are starting to flower in the 12/12 stage they have not been fed nutes for a bit as i was afraid it might have been nute burn but now im not sure i just want my babies to be healthy!!!



Active Member
Get some "P" in there. Just for the heck of it, add some epsom salts whilte you're at it. I wouldn't spray, just water it in.


Active Member
Check for bugs.... and your drooping leaves are from watering too much. Could be mg deficiency but it looks a bit nitrogen deficient too, or maybe your pH is off and its just not taking those nutrients. Your pH should be around 6.2-6.5


Well-Known Member
what is your ph at? on some of those it almost looks like a bug problem of some sort, leaf miners if im not mistaken, the damage with the yellow trails or whatever you want to call them look just like pics of plants with leaf miners.


I really don't think its bugs, its middle of winter here and i started the project during winter so no bugs were in my house, good chance the Ph is off not letting it take in nutes. Leaf miners have a diff pattern that ive seen on google imges, but who knows going to hydro store to get a a good ph meter and some cal mag


Well-Known Member
maybe its not leaf miners, ive seen a pattern similar from bugs, but anyway it sounds like that doesnt matter. If you dont know what your ph is thats probably the cause of your issues, although ive never seen anything that looked like that weird yellow pattern from ph. the other symptoms do look like ph though.


Okay so i flushed everything with ph'ed water. I did folier feed with a light epsom salts solution as i didnt want to mix in with the water. Clones are long gone, the mom turned out to be a dad, so all those babies are gone now. I do have the 1 clone left that i know is a female, however its not looking god, her stems are turning purple and its not in the genitics to do so. Some of the stems on the flowering plants are turning purple as well. The lower leaves are still turning yellow and ONLY that 1 plant has the weired leaves that some arecalling bugs. So im not really sure what the deal is,i dont see any bugs, shouldnt they be on all the plants if it was a bug issue??? How long would it take to see results from the flush....can you tell im new at this...


Well-Known Member
a leaf miner lives inside the leaf....a bug can lay only so many yeah one plant wouldn't be surprising at all
it literally tunnels out a tiny tunnel in between the thickness of a leaf...never seen tunneling like those marks though

i'd swear your light was to close when you feed it...and you water to often...

maybe...i'm still new at all this.
practice is good


After lots of reading looks like it very well could be a Phosphorus deficiency, if it is how should i treat this? I normally feed with Flora Series so its Flora Micro, Grow, Bloom, I have Cal-Mag Plus. How should i treat this if is indeed the issue.


Blah only has me more confused looking at this im thinking its not Phosphorus but maybe Manganese or Potassium, I was doing so well with MG soil why did i switch....