Plant problem, wondering if feeding too many nutes??? Help please... :D

Hello, my names pat, i've been growing for about 3 or 4 years, only serious in the past 2 years tho, first 2 years was young and just experimenting with a few plant's, this year i will have about 50-60, i know a fair amount about growing, done lot's of research, but i can't exactly point my finger on the exact problem with my plant, the strain is AK-48 from nirvana :) this little guy is only about 7-10 days old from planting seed in soil, soil used is miracle grow seed/clone starting soil, plant's are growing quite quick in it, im using chemical nutrients which i can't remember the name of, i think the mix is 10-15-10, stuff works really great all other plant's are doing magnificent but this guy (hopefully a girl :D) seems a little troubled... Btw this year im growing AK-48, White Rhino and Bubbleicious straight from nirvana seedshop, excellent site cheap prices quick shipping highly recommended, has anyone grown any of these strains? Anyways could someone point this problem out for me, or atleast try, my only guess is nutrient burn , but ive been mixing exactly as on the bottle, but its true nutes shouldnt really be fed too early but all the other smaller ones are fine, help much appreciated.

I've been feeding nutes to my little guys from the start haha and lots of them are turning out great, they aren't harming them at all, i think i've figured it out, i searched magnesium deficiency on google and it looks pretty much identical, anyone got any tips on how to fix it? Nah the soil bearly has any nutes lol, 0-0.1-0, dunno why they make it like that but its made for fast germination of seeds and made for cloning, and it really has been working great so far.


Well-Known Member
They made it like that because seedlings and clones really don't need any nutes for the first few weeks, just the small amount that is in soil and water. Also I personally wouldn't use any Miracle Grow soils but if it works for you that's cool. :)

You could have a magnesium deficiency, or it could be starting to get locked out if your soil/water is pH 6.4 or lower. Don't start giving it Cal/Mag or any other Magnesium boosters until you make sure your pH is in order and your plants will be able to absorb it.

If I had to guess though from the description of how much ferts you are giving them I'd say they are overfertilized.
Thanks for the input Antigen, yeah i just purchased a nice pH tester from eBay, should be in within 5-8 business days so i'm anxious for it to come in so i can test my soil :D , hey any logic on how to raise/lower the pH in the soil?? people say lime and sulfur, but i hear lime can take weeks sometimes months to kick in, and when people say sulfur, what do i use that has sulfur in it or whatever?? If anyone could help me with any of this it would be greatly appreciated it would help out a lot because i am pretty stumped on this subject, thanks everyone.
Look for PH up / down online or at a nearby hydro store. Vinegar will work to lower ph and baking soda will raise ph. I've never used either myself and I've seen some people say that baking soda is for emergency use only as it could cause a salt buildup in your soil after repeated use. I've also read that it depends on how fine grain your lime is for how quickly it will work in the soil. I would test the ph of the water / nute mix before giving it to your plants and then check the ph of the runoff and adjust as needed. Theres a great post somewhere here on rollitup about ph but I can't find it for the life of me. Hope this helps.
From another post on the forums. "I use hydroponics ph down,in soil. i got it at the hydro store but the guy at the hydro store told me its okay to use in aquariums,hydroponics,and soil that there basically the same things just made by different brands with different labels. so im guessing the aquarium ph down would b fine."

and another "Ph up is the same thing for hydro and soil. the lime isnt lime the fruit, but lime stone. (CAL and MAG = ph up = limestone) "

I personally would imagine that the ph up / down would be fine for soil use and so do a few other people. Anyone know anything about those tablets they sell for aquariums that are used for buffering ph? Heres a link to what i'm talking about.