Dr. Who
Well-Known Member
I don't know plant physiology as well as some here, but it looks like the phloem has been melted away and you're left with the xylem. The phloem, IIRC, conducts food from the leaves downward. And the xylem directs the water and food up the plant tissue.
So, xylem intact may explain how the branch/plant is still alive. But, still you've no idea of what happened in the first place? The plant could certainly make it till harvest, that just three weeks of worrying that I wouldve culled
Even if you cull it you can still make hash, so not a loss.
@Dr. Who what is going on here? Any ideas?
You betcha.
Fungal disease! STEM CANKER
Look for "tiny" black dots on/around the effected area - If you can't find any that does not mean it's not stem canker. It just means the fungus is not reproducing at that spot. The dead give away is the locations of the infection and that it spreads to others, along with the "way the infection looks" - like in the second set of pics where it's located at a pretiole area...The Fungus is inside the stem. Killing it is done by removing the infected section as once you see what it infected, it's to late for that section.......This fungus seems to effect blooming plants more then vegging plants.
Saving anything above the infection is ,,,, well, most likely not going to last longer then cutting the effected area away and placing the remaining part in a glass of water.....Won't progress but to attempt to finish as fast as it can using the remaining nutrition available to the remaining parts from those parts! Trying to put the buds in water would tell us all something about how long they would continue - experiment time. Some sugar water and a plain aspirin - put the cutting in it and see how long it lasts..
You are correct! The Phloem (what carries the plants nutrition from the roots through out the plant) is dead. Like I said everything above it is feeding off it's self in a desperate attempt to reproduce...
If you didn't get the "What to do" OP. You should cut away the effected area and discard it away from the grow or burn it.
There are no chemicals to treat stem canker.....You might try a good fungicide on the remaining stems on your plants to prevent any spores from taking hold?
Good luck and get rid of the infected parts ASAP! You don't want more spores spreading the canker @cbuts05