plant problems about to say screw it cant figure it out HELP


ok i have had the same problem for a couple of weeks now greyish spots started on the middle part of plant on the fan leaves and has worked its way up to top of plants,the spots start a greyish color and turn red or brown and the leaves basicly die but dont fall off so i thought i had a cal/mag def so i feed with cal/mag and it seemed to help new growth started looking good again then a couple of days later it was back the plant is a strain of coletrain it was freebie but the leaves started to turn a light yellow in color so i figured it needed feed because i was told these strains are heavy feeders so i feed with nutrients half strength and it seemed to help,well last night i foiler feed with cal/mag plus and this mornning i look at plant and the spots are back its not light burn because i feed with lights off dont understand shouldnt foiler feeding go straight to the plant,well i flushed today well a lite flush and checked the run off from soil which is ffof&lw the run off was 5.8 to 5.9 this is to low for soil so i ran about 4 gallons of plain water ph was 6.8 then after i ran the last gallon through the plant i tested it again and i got it up to 6.2 can anyone help.temps are 75 humidity is 45% ff nutrs and soil.i`am at a lost at why this problem keeps comming back.


ok ,then can someone answer this is adding dolmite lime the only way i can raise the ph of my soil and can i add it to my plants soil like the top layer