Plant problems. Don't know what is wrong, I have quite a lot of problems. (pics)


Recently I've been having quite a few problems with my ladies. They are 2 1/2 weeks into flowering and overall the plants look preety fine just there are some leaves here and there that are showing a lot of problems.

Some of the leaves i have on all four of my plants are deformed. By deformed i mean they start to pinch in on the leaves and edges.
FL Deformation.jpgR Deformation 3.jpgR Deformation.jpg
Some leaves also have a little deformation, but different to the ones above, the leaves are cup shaped i guess?? the leaves curl down and make a little pocket because the spine of it perks up
R Deformation 2.jpg
Two of the leaves on one of the plants have a couple white/yellow spots
FR White spots.jpg
And on only one of my plants i have discoloration that i can't tell is toxicity or deficiancy
FL Discoloration 2.jpgFL Discoloration.jpg
And in addition to all my plant problems the undergrowth of the plants are shriveling and turning black, noticed it today. I started using carbonated water as a foliar spray that i sprayed underneath the plant's canopy, could that of been the problem? The pH of it was around 6.8
Dying Undergrowth .jpgDying Undergrowth 1.jpgDying Undergrowth 2.jpg
The edges of some fan leaves are turning brown and drying, overall looking bad. The 3rd pic on the last set looks unhealthy and there are a few leaves that look similar.
Leaf Edges 2.jpgLeaf Edges.jpgUnhealthy leaf.jpg

Any help on any of my issues is greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
The "deep" green color would lead me to over fertilization........and possible something is munching on your leaves.

Are they inside or out, what's the medium, what kind of fertilizer, pH of water going in and out, pot size, etc. The more we know, the more help we'll be.


Well-Known Member
Get your magnifying glass out with some good light, and look under the leaves especially for small bugs.


Indoor FFOF soil, Dyna Gro nutes 1ml per gal, ph goes in 6.5 to 6.8 and the runoff was 7.1 today that i checked, the pots are 3.5 gal. Iv searched for bugs thoroughly and i can't find anything. I use a neem oil and dish soap spray every 2 or 3 weeks. Some of the damage on the leaves could of been caused from moving leaves through the scrog.


I've read other threads that suggest the pinching deformation could be cause from nutrient lock out from pH fluctuation.


Well-Known Member
Why would you spray your plants with carbonated water? does look like overfert and possibly something eating your plant.


Well-Known Member
I am an optimist so I don't really see any problems. Your overall color is a good deep green and plants look healthy. You got a minor thing or two going on but it looks to me like your plants are doing great. Unless something explodes on you don't worry.


Well-Known Member
lol co2 is a gas it wont be absorbed into the roots it will be filtered from the water as the water runs into the soil..if their were small amounts of co2 left in the water as it was taken up it wouldnt matter anyway that would be like you having oxygen in your food (which their is)....i think you may have the beginning of a slight magnesium or nitrogen def...people are saying over ferting and i can see where they would get that on some pics but i dont see any tip burn at all and ive never had a problem involving yellowing at any spot in any amount that wasnt resolved with a good feeding..if you know your feeding well disregard but from the pics thats my take


I don't think you wanna water your roots with co2. Hopefully there's enough time for sum of the gas to be absorbed with the foliar.
I only use it as a foliar spray not to water, but I have read some threads that say it is fine to water with it but seems risky.


Well-Known Member
you should prune all that "undergrowth" away anyway anything that wont produce a nice sized bud should be ripped off the plant now...also rechecked the pics the spots im not sure of but if its one leaf only i wouldnt worry...most every other pic looks like defciencies dont forget your plants are going to need a different regimen in flowering so a little yeloowing or whatever is just the plant telling you its getting will find the sweet spot


lol co2 is a gas it wont be absorbed into the roots it will be filtered from the water as the water runs into the soil..if their were small amounts of co2 left in the water as it was taken up it wouldnt matter anyway that would be like you having oxygen in your food (which their is)....i think you may have the beginning of a slight magnesium or nitrogen def...people are saying over ferting and i can see where they would get that on some pics but i dont see any tip burn at all and ive never had a problem involving yellowing at any spot in any amount that wasnt resolved with a good feeding..if you know your feeding well disregard but from the pics thats my take
I read on other threads that the pH could be the cause of the pinched leaves due to nutrient lock out, so I'm a little nervous on feeding because I don't want to end up with a salt build up. My run off has been 7 to 7.2 and it goes in 6.5 to 6.8 . Could the run off being that high cause a nutrient lock out? If not i'll just feed my plants like you recommended and dial back the pH a few points.


Well-Known Member
ok ive posted this to sooooooo many threads and i always get alot of likes so you can choose to or not to trust this but im is the first thing most new growers go to when they cant figure out the problem since it sounds kind of complicated and its easy to go buy a test kit for and theirs alot of ph taboo on the net...then when these people test the soil they get slightly different results each time they get more and more worried and more and more confused...throw all your ph up down and test kits out the window because using that crap your more likely to throw your ph out of whack than anything. soil and soiless mediums these days are ph balanced, distilled water or water from the tap that has sat out will not alter ph in a medium, and nutes are all ph balanced so literally id say one time in a thousand of growing in soil or soiless you will have an actual problem that manifested from a ph swing! my first grow was the only time ive EVER tested ph. my plan of action would be to repot into the final pot now if they arent already there..topdress with some new soil if you havent been replacing the eroded soil and give them a nice watering/feeding, keep the basics on point as far as making sure your lighting is going on and off at the proper time make sure you have no light leaks not even a surge protector light make sure you have an indirect fan circulating air that the temps are ok and that the medium is at a proper moisture level do these things and give it a few days you should not see any worstening of symptoms but the harmed leaves will never be normal again so dont look right back at those thinking you have a problem still lol


Well-Known Member
oh and also make sure your using an all around nute regimen and your not excluding the micro nutes...idr what you said your using


Thanks for the advice about the pH stuff and everything else, much appreciated. I'll probably just topdress the soil and give them a good feeding. Thank you for your help.


Well-Known Member
if you are going to use carbonated water to foliar with you should definitely drive a nail into the base of the plant, pick off all the fan leaves, use a really high P/K fert, use no less than 6 additives in addition to your base neuts, make sure there is calming music playing in the grow room and make sure to dance naked and speak softly in your grow room.

seriously though, quit tweaking. They look fine. Check for bugs, calm down. its all going to work out.