Plant problems. Don't know what is wrong, I have quite a lot of problems. (pics)


Well-Known Member
nope none of those help ;) thats why i posted them. Placebo is a magical thing.
well maybe the naked dancing works. I'll admit I do that. Everybody has one myth they stick with out of stubbornness.


Well-Known Member
using a high p and k fert in the last couple weeks of flowering has to help or so many good growers wouldnt use bloom boosters and playing music has been proven to have a positive effect on weird thing i do is breath on my plants alot like as if i was trying to write on a cold window..i know i cant be doing much if anything at all but im working the co2 angle lol


if you are going to use carbonated water to foliar with you should definitely drive a nail into the base of the plant, pick off all the fan leaves, use a really high P/K fert, use no less than 6 additives in addition to your base neuts, make sure there is calming music playing in the grow room and make sure to dance naked and speak softly in your grow room.

seriously though, quit tweaking. They look fine. Check for bugs, calm down. its all going to work out.
Your sarcasm made me laugh and i thank you for that haha


Well-Known Member
Your pH going in is too high and your pH coming out is also. You should not be higher then 6.5 pH going in and 7.0 (or a bit lower) coming out.......... cut back on your fert level for a bit too.


Well-Known Member
ughhh.....that is not true 6.2-6.8 is proper for a soiless medium as far as run off and most nute regimens will balance the ph going in at about 6.5 so 6.5 to 6.8 is just fine and his runoff of 7.1 is barely high and not causing or going to cause him any problems...and why would you say to cut back on nutes all he said is the brand hes using how can you tell him to cut down or feed based on the brand hes using and at what strength per gallon without knowing how often he feeds or if hes using one bloom bottle or making sure he has a good all around regimen with micros in it....see i can make my advice to feed and make sure to hit the micros based on the pics but with the pics and info given their is no logical reason to tell him to cut back on his nute strength, based on the pics its my opinion that you are giving the opposite of the right advice..i see deficiencies. ph is not the issue here and your going to confuse new growers by continuing to feed the invisible ph monster