Plant problems, Drooping


New Member
I have 7 Juicy Fruit plants right now that have been growing for 5 and half weeks as of 4/9/15. I am using G8 led light and the plants are 36 inches away from the light. I am watering them every two days with the chemicals I am going to post down below. I am not using all them at once of course, just in different stages which might be causing the problem I think. The problem I am running into, is the plants are drooping along with the tips as show in the pictures. The problem doesn't happen until about the 11th hour into 18/6 light schedule. If anyone can help that would be amazing!



Well-Known Member
Do you have to water everyday? Im going to guess yes cause of the size of the container and the plant size.


New Member
I'm watering every two days. The plants don't seem to take a lot of water fast. I have put gravel at the bottom of each pot too.


Well-Known Member
The key is how much are you watering every two days? Your medium looks pretty damn dry as your plants are in full veg mode, they start to get thirsty.

Kind Sir

Well-Known Member
When I started, I was watering too little too often. Now I make sure theres solid runoff, good idea to messure the ph to get a trend which means alot more than just here and there. I havnt done that as my plants look good which doesnt matter, which I hope I wont regret.

Whats ur temps n rh