PLant problems in flower


Well-Known Member
they look over fed, flush well then back of about 75% of what the instructions say. after you give it nutes the next time you water just use plain water with no nutes, then feed it again next time if it needs it. you might want to transplant into some better soil too. if you cant find or afford Fox Farms products use Burpee coconut fiber seed starting mix, you cant go wrong and you can get it at lowes and home depot.


Well-Known Member
hmmmnnn, if you are flowering them out on 12/12 just keep giving them water and i would suggest you flush those pots through if you wish to fully mature them. By flush i mean run 10x the amount of water = your pot size through your soil and then hopefully you will get rid of Excess nutes in the medium and possibly have a chance of harvesting a little Smokage in about 3 or 4 weeks time.. Just my Opinion tho dood..

And i was j/k about Lead poisoning earlier.. LOL

Peace :leaf:


ok thanks for the information i use a gallon a water usually when i water my plants for the 5 gallon bucket should i do 10 gallons of water to flush it?