Plant Problems! Please help! Would it be easier to start over? Only 3 1/2 weeks old..

piff.jpgpiff2.jpg 1st time grower and my plants looked great until a week ago and this is what they looked like yesterday. Its just a low budget grow, trial kind of thing... I have 10 20w cfls with good reflection about 5 inches from the plants(i heard they should be 2-6 inches). The soil is just some potting soil i found around the house but im gettin some fox farm soil tomorow. I have not fed it any nutes yet. Would it be easier to start over?


Well-Known Member
You are definitely in experimental mode on those last two but the first looks like it could come around okay. I would not use any of the Fox Farm full strength soils on seedlings. The first two weeks in soil it is best to use a very light mix (low in nutrients). Believe it or not, this plant has all the nutrient it needs for the first two weeks of life inside the seed. I've burned up my share of seedlings in hot soil and that's what it looks like to my eye. Also looks a little over watered but I think the hot soil is the real issue. I like the Fox Farm just fine to transplant into later, but always remember not to let your rootbound ball touch hot soil, put some light mix around the root ball and let the roots go to the nutrient.
Thanks... I was going to mix the ff soil with perlite... And should i transplant these to a little bigger pot? How much and how often should i water in the seedling and veg stages?


Well-Known Member
Until you see some roots coming out the bottom you really don't need to transplant. Something is wrong here so you may never get roots coming out the bottom. But no worries, this is how we all start the process of learning about this plant!


New Member
Don't transplant. Leave um there. Water when the soil is bone dry. Then water with about 1 1/2 cups of water. Solo cups gotta love um
If it was me and assuming you have access to more seeds, I would cut your loses. You want to avoid stressing the plant out to get the best results. You are definitely starting off on the wrong foot here. Sorry about your problems, good luck with what ever you decide!
Yes i have drainage wholes in the bottom. I waited until the soil was bone dry then watered, the 2 plants are still dying so i think im gonna try and keep the best looking one and restart the other 2...Thanks everyone