Plant problems - stumped - what could it be?


Hey guys,
I posted this once already in the newbie section: , by accident, but i meant to post it here. You can read that thread for a summary and ill also repost here.

I recently replaced my CFL+FL setup (approx 5 125w 6700kCFL lights, 2 100w 2700kCFL lights (i got it backwards in my original post), and a 4 4' t8 bars (2 cold 2 warm)) with a 1000w HPS and a 400w MH. I have placed them originally about 2 1/2 - 3 ft above the plants, and after seeing this I moved them up to about 4 ft. What I am seeing a slight "droopiness" and "curl" to the plants leaves,not around the edges but at the ends they are curling slightly downward toward the stem, and 2 or 3 of them are bending a little bit on the leave, looking like slight dryness on the side of it. I dont think its nute burn since I feed them about once a week with a small amount of nutes (I just fed them another small amount incase it was nute deficiency). I thought it might be water deficieny at first since im used to watering them every 3rd day but the new lights dried up the water pretty quick so I gave them some water too and that seemd to perk them up a little but not perfect. Just wondeing whats wrong and how far you guys have your lights of similar watage positioned above your plants.

I have the temperature set to a constant 80* fahrenheit; it never ever even wavers (except in the light's off time i set it for 5* lower). I never thought about it being too cold on the concrete floor, plus this didnt happen until I switched lights. I dont think thats the problem because i usually go down there barefoot first thing in the morning to check on 'em and since its a constant 80 down there the floor is pretty comfortable on my feet, also a few of them are in 3 gallon pots and they are affected just as much as the rest. I also forgot to tell you all that about 2 days ago I began a spraying regimen in case it is spider mites (sprayed once 2 days ago, will spray every 4 days until the problem clears up to kill the mites and the new larvae that hatch since the spray i have doesntt kill the eggs).

Next day: I moved the light up even more (at this point i dont think its light burn; the lights are literally four 1/2 to five feet away from the tops of the plants now) and my plants are looking even MORE droopy! (however some of them look completely fine). Im completely baffled. Maybe the plants are getting used to the new lights?

PH is good, humidity is at a constant 40%, Didnt feed for the first 2 weeks of growth then started feeding a small amount of 12-6-9 once a week. They have a constant light breeze, yesterday was watering day and that didnt perk them up, theres really nothing i can think of that it could be!
PS: my hand is very comfortable held where the plants are, I could keep it there for hours although I would probably get a sun tan/burn - it is equivalent to being in the hot sun basically.

Here are some pics of the first day, it is day three now and they all look basically the same except on day two I noticed one plant had one single leaf (one of the bottom ones) that was "burned" (not nute burn, its grey/brown, not yellow) on the edges very very slightly.

Ill post some current pics if anyone would like to see them though they look very much the same.

Today I am going to try just using the 400wMH and keeping the 1000wHPS off for the day (or most of it at least).


Here is a picture of the worst one, the only plant that actually has "burns" on it. The rest are starting to look just a little bit better actually (i thought it might be a boron deficiency so i treated with boric acid and they seem to be perking up a bit actually).



Well, at the suggestion of a very experienced friend we moved the lights up to 43 inches (approx 3.6 ft) anove plant tips, and treated with 1/4 the recommended amount of boric acid because he said it looked like either light burn, light shock, or boron deficiency.

After a day the plants are looking mint, trimmed all the fucked up bottom leaves except the ones that have started to spread out, and theyre looking awesome again :weed:. I figure even if the light didnt need moving, my buddy said that the plants will be kicking into overdrive and be growing so fast that theyll soon reach a point where we'll have to even move it again.

If anyone wants pics to compare to originals just to be sure, just ask. :)


Well-Known Member
Ph over water underwater but looks like Ph prob for sure you have a soil tester


Well-Known Member
You've gone way too far away with your lights, the 1000w will still give a little something at 4' but lesser lights may as well not even be on at all that far away. And there is no need to run 1000 with babies like that, slow down man start with a small light like the 400 about 12"-15" away no more. With seedlings like that I would just use one of your old flouro's until they have 6 leaves or so and they wouldn't get the 1000 until they were too tall for the 400 to support well like over 2' tall.

The original problem can never have been a nutrient deficiency because as a seedling they don't need any nutrients at all added everything the need to get to a few sets of real leaves is contained in the seed itself already. You overferted. They should start to get ferts (in very low strength) only at the size they are now not what they were then.

Overwatering can cause droop too but the curl and the facts you listed gave up the real cause.


Well theyre much better now if youll take a look at my latest posts.
I repotted and am now using biotone "early start" and plant-tone "natural organic mix" 1tbsp of each per pot plus rare earth organic sea bed soil 2tbsp per pot plus 4 cups worm castings (i have alot of worm castings) and fox farms ocean forest is the base soil i am mixing all this with.


New pics! It is 8-29. The smallest is about 6-8" and the biggest is 2' tall. I am planning on flowering on the 3rd using the fox farm trio bloom nutes (i didnt use grow big however, i used 14-4-8 fertilizer).

Well theyre much better now if youll take a look at my latest posts.
I repotted and am now using biotone "early start" and plant-tone "natural organic mix" 1tbsp of each per pot plus rare earth organic sea bed soil 2tbsp per pot plus 4 cups worm castings (i have alot of worm castings) and fox farms ocean forest is the base soil i am mixing all this with.



Well-Known Member
Nice... Really healthy.

Those plants and the lights you have would work well to run perpetually rather than just flowering them all. You might think about cloning the best looking ones then flowering just the largest ones and letting those babies get some decent size to them first before flowering.

If you are rocking 1kw you might as well grow the largest plants you can with it right? My feeling anyway...


I have an MMJ card in another state and will be moving there within two years. When i arrive I will separate the cfls and use for seedlings and clones, the 400w MH for vegging, and the 1000w HPS for flowering. Right now I am just doing this one grow and I would like to have it done by the november or so. I am going to take a nice cutting of each strain and keep some closet moms with my CFLs.

Edit: on another note I just got fox farms trio and the 3rd will be 24 hrs of darkness followed by 12/12 from then on on the 4th. Seeing as how I didnt use grow big or tiger bloom as it is recomennded during veg should i take up where i left off on the foxfarm provided schedule or work up to the doses it recommends seeing as how i havnt used them before? thanks!

Nice... Really healthy.

Those plants and the lights you have would work well to run perpetually rather than just flowering them all. You might think about cloning the best looking ones then flowering just the largest ones and letting those babies get some decent size to them first before flowering.

If you are rocking 1kw you might as well grow the largest plants you can with it right? My feeling anyway...


For anyone who cares, threw them into flower 9/3, so far 8 (pretty sure) females and 3 (pretty sure) males, the rest i dont know yet. New pics within a day or two ( theyve also grown quite a bit, probably about a foot each).