plant probs !!pls help


Well-Known Member
hey i got a 5 pot dwc and my plants leaves where always so big and for last few they seem thinner and droopy also the lower leavs are yellowing, the whole leaf and just on bottoms of plants....i just upped the neuts to 700 from 550 and since then ph has kinda been jumping up every day so i lower it. they are 6 weeks old the heat in room is 69 -78 had 2 real hot days room was up to 90 for few hrs i use the bionacare neut pakage with some super nova and hygrozem..are my girls gonna die or what shldzzz i do flush??did i over neut they 6 weeks old 700 seems about right? i added some pics from 23rd i got 400w hps and 4- 26w cfl and 2 aerogarden lights on the girls 2 bubble stones and 2 air pumps and about 8-9 gal in tank i change water every weekend with distilled water with cal mag



Active Member
Hey man, I have almost the same set up as you do. I've been through good times and bad times with my grow but I just remained calm and eventually the plants got better.

I don't change my water as much as you do tho. Could be that your plants are always adjusting to the new water and nutes every weekend. I just change my water every 18 days and it seems to work fine. I use distilled water from Walmart, the ph seems to be perfect in those containers cause I never have to adjust it.

I always add my nutes VERY gradually.


Well-Known Member
thnx for input, i never had probs w ph till this week i check multiple times a day and i use wally world water the leavs not as droopy today but lil more yellow leavs but lil on tips only.will appreciate any1elses opinion on this pls...constantly pulling teeth for responses