Plant rotting away? Need urgent advice.


Don't know what happened but this showed up randomly on one of my plants and now that branch is pretty much gone. Anyways, I was wondering if anyone know what the cause of that might be and if it can be remedied?



Looks like rot. All I can suggest is dehumidifiers and fans.
But my humidity never goes above 50% and I do have a de-humidifier running as well as two clip on fans inside the tent, one pointing down and one pointing at the light directly with a 190 CFM exhaust as well. It's only this branch though and the one next to it is starting to brown up too. Any possible chance it's outgrown its 2 gallon pot?


Hygiene Hygiene and neem oil 2 times per month to my blog:
I've been using Neem Oil every 3 days, low concentration (ready to use from Home Depot). Have fans running and good ventilation, humidity maintained with dehumidifier. What can I do to diagnose / fix the issue? Should I cut off that branch? Perhaps a little hydrogen peroxide next watering? I'm in smart pots so I thought root rot wouldn't be a problem especially considering I don't over water ever. I flushed a day ago with distilled water to clear a lot of salt buildup from the tap water I was initially using. You think the flush could have caused this? Will it spread / is it fixable?


FYI, the rest of the plant looks pretty healthy -- top leaves are not wilting, they're pretty perked up to the light.


Well-Known Member
Dont know what the problem is but im seeing burnt tips & shriveled leaves in a nu ber of places....not just that branch. Rest of the plant may look healthy but that may very well be cuz whatever is happening hasnt made its way to the top of the plant yet.


Dont know what the problem is but im seeing burnt tips & shriveled leaves in a nu ber of places....not just that branch. Rest of the plant may look healthy but that may very well be cuz whatever is happening hasnt made its way to the top of the plant yet.
I had salt buildup from tap water (hard tap water which some people said was OKAY to water with which I learned later was not) which I flushed out yesterday. I also accidentally upped my nute strength to full strength FFOF thinking I was seeing deficiencies at the bottom of the plant; after which the burnt tips started coming on. You think over nuting could cause the branch to die like that? I've flushed down to 150 PPM from 1000 PPM and runoff pH was at 6.4.


Dont know what the problem is but im seeing burnt tips & shriveled leaves in a nu ber of places....not just that branch. Rest of the plant may look healthy but that may very well be cuz whatever is happening hasnt made its way to the top of the plant yet.
Should I cut that branch off because it's infected / wilted? Should I cut all of it off or just up to the point of browning. The weird part is, I've had red stems / branches throughout my grow because of improper nutrient uptake, but since my flush, the branches have finally started turning green... and then this happened randomly with the rest of the plant looking better :S


Well-Known Member
It doesnt look as if there is much more to that branch that I can see. What I do see further down looks crispy. Id cut that branch, yes. How bout a pic of the whole plant, might be able to get better answers on what the best course of action is.....good luck, buddy.


It doesnt look as if there is much more to that branch that I can see. What I do see further down looks crispy. Id cut that branch, yes. How bout a pic of the whole plant, might be able to get better answers on what the best course of action is.....good luck, buddy.
I'll get a picture of the plant in the morning when the lights come on... but yea it's just that branch. Could it be because I recently flushed; perhaps too much water was absorbed because the soil was dry causing the branch to basically die?

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
A single area like that is most likely physical damage of some sort. I would remove the affected branch and just continue as normal. I would not go chasing a problem that does not exist.

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
It could just be me, but I would check the branch next to it, it could be shadow but it looks like whatever happened to the wilted branch might be starting on the other as well. I flipped the photo and circled the area I am talking about


It could just be me, but I would check the branch next to it, it could be shadow but it looks like whatever happened to the wilted branch might be starting on the other as well. I flipped the photo and circled the area I am talking about
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It is starting on the other one, but its only on those two branches. Not able to isolate the issue since I can't see any pests / bugs and I have used NEEM OIL from the third day of flowering every 3 days. Gonna cut that branch off and take a look inside the main stem... but I THINK it's an infection as I've never experienced anything like this before growing anything at all.


Well-Known Member
It is starting on the other one, but its only on those two branches. Not able to isolate the issue since I can't see any pests / bugs and I have used NEEM OIL from the third day of flowering every 3 days. Gonna cut that branch off and take a look inside the main stem... but I THINK it's an infection as I've never experienced anything like this before growing anything at all.
id take the loss and cut it off. look inside it lol


id take the loss and cut it off. look inside it lol
Gonna have to cut it cant risk it spreading, and by look inside i meant just visually inspect the stalk / branch at the meeting point to see if it's been damaged from the inside. The brown on the second branch has NOT worsened whereas the branch in the pic died in one day... (weird because the branch is still healthy and the leaves on that branch are intact)



Updated pictures. I'm about to cut the branch off right now ... but that's the plant as a whole. Do you recommend I cut off the second branch too that is "rotting" away?

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member


The plant as a whole looks great, I would just remove those two branches because you won't miss them too much and it would be good to cut out anything that might spread to the rest of it. Just my $.02
Okay so I cut off the branch that wilted off from the lack of nutrients I'm guessing (I've been reading up on Hemp Canker)... there's two other branches showing very similar signs... BUT, I've been using NEEM OIL every day now (spraying top layer of soil as well), I mixed up the soil and added more on top (I hear if you bury the fungi larvae 6 cm beneath soil, they can't germinate (got this from an official cannabis pests PDF)).

Anyways, the two other branches that were starting to show the "rot" have not progressed any worse since I've been treating heavily with Neem Oil. So, should I leave these two branches alone or cut them off as well? The rest of the plant still looks awesome. My humidity does get up to 50% at night, but that's because I can't fit my dehumidifier in my small closet so it sits in my room keeping room humidity between 40-50% at night (inside tent).

Is there anything else I can add such as H2O2 to help? I've also heard adding bacteria to the soil will help kill the fungi -- where and how can I add this?