Plant Sex


Active Member
Hey all- finally got my camera working and took some pixs (half-ass) the best i could manage. I am in the first week of 12/12 and the sex characteristics are coming out. It appears my two large 33" babies are boys and my one 24" is a girl. Can the experts confirm my call from these pixs?

I believe the girl is the one with the rolled leaves. I cant seem to find an anwer to why the leaves are rolling up. The other two beauties (Males) are in the same pot, so same light & nutes. I dont get it. Any opinions or recommendations on this?

Thanks in advance.



Well-Known Member
I see 1,2,3 are males with out even enlargeing the picture and #4 in the left side i see male flowers.

The light is also too close to the plant its showing heat stress.


Active Member

Thanks all for the responses.

#4 is the smallest of the 3 plants. Although all are the same age (6 mos) #4 has always been 20-30% smaller and more fragile than the confirmed males. Originally, I thought the #4 was a male and the others female but I was wrong. L

I live in NJ and have had (until last week) the plants out on my deck getting full sun all day. This is when the curling problem began. Someone had once suggested it could be the breed of plant which doesn’t like full sun or 80+ degrees all day. The curling has gotten much better than it was since I brought them into the flowering room.

I have been using starter fertilizer 29-10-7 with some garden lime to control the PH alternating with dissolved bulb flowering fertilizer 15-30-15. Any suggestions on flowering fertilizer that I can get at a local nursery that I should try using?

Thanks again.

Apocalyptic Feasting

Active Member
Yes, Guarantee Bloom from mainstream organics. I know alot of you guys out there hate foliar feeding.But this shit is great. Store this stuff in a cool dark place, i've had problems with organic fertz in the past not stored correctly and they go bad and will kill your plants (mold) . Also, mix it correctly according to the bottle. spray in the morning , etc.
Its 100 percent organic too
this shit really seems to get the job done.
here dude.
Guarantee Bloom - Organic Flower Fertilizer and BioStimulant
its available anywhere it seems like. even at wholefoods


Active Member
Thanks AF. I have had great results foliar feeding. As soon as i began with a slight mixture of nutes in the water there was a huge sustained growth spurt.

Any suggestions on what to use for foliar during early stages of flowering?

Thanks All


Active Member
I will take new pixs of what I am now 90% sure is the female. The boys have been "put out to pasture". Is it true that males are bigger than their female counter parts? Becasue my 2 males were huge, 40"+/-

The female is in early stages of flowering and have white wisker like shoots around the nodules. I read somewhere this is a tell-tale sign of a female.


Active Member
Fuck man. I just pulled two more sausages out of my garden. I had a total of 6 plants all but one were males. below is the latest dude, such as let down

Isnt there something you can do to help make them female? I am clearly not doing it correctly.



Apocalyptic Feasting

Active Member
ive heard that if a plant cant handle the stress of being a female, then it wont. maybe something in your growing environment stressed the plants out and they ended up male. also, sometimes you win sometimes you lose.sometimes you just get dealt a shitty hand and end up with alot of males.
im glad the foliar feeding worked well for you!! it has always worked great for me too. for blooming mine , all i use is that guarantee bloom. you can even mix some in with the water you give it!
best of luck buddy!

Apocalyptic Feasting

Active Member
what do you mean hermie leaves theres no such thing. also it looks like its way too hot in there, your leaves are curling could also be from foliar feeding while your lights are on, and if its over 90 degrees in there, it will burn up your leaves for sure.


Active Member
yeah, aren't the leaves that look like a pussy hemie or hermie leaves? there is one on the stalk you can see. This female has always had curled leaves ever since it was 16 inches. she has grown to be 36 inches all with curled leaves, go figure?? The stalk is not very strong, unlike the males, but the flowers are coming. i have tried adding mg to the water with no results. I am running 2 400w mogul bulbs (1MH & 1 HPS, along with a 15" flouresecnt tube on 11/13. the temp does reach 90 but i have a fan running, what else can i do? Is this too much light for flowering.
