plant sexing


New Member
Im a new grower. I was wanting to know how to tell the difference between male and female plant and how soon I can tell?


New Member
Usually takes aprox 2 months from germ for pre flowers to show
give or take a week or so ,

when they show you'll know

Cereal box

Active Member
Google cannabis plant sex or something similar and you'll get a bunch of pics show you males and females. Once you see the difference it's impossible to miss it when you see it. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
after about 4-5 weeks of veg you can look for male preflowers and get rid of those plants

or if you start seeds on 12/12 photo period you could see male signs within 3 weeks

it is quicker to sex the plants by spotting the males first and assume the rest that do not show preflowers are female until they show otherwise
no signs of preflower after 5 weeks (1.5-2ft high) is a good sign and the plant is almost certainly female once flowered on A 12/12 photoperiod this will be confirmed in around 7 days when female flowers (pistils) will show

the time frame of 5 weeks is more about the average development of the plant at 5 weeks or its level of maturity around 1.5-2ft high , with many sets of branches
if the plant is not healthy and has not matured/grown to this level it will not show signs of sex until it has reached this level of growth/maturity during the veg period

male preflowers



New Member
I wouldn't do any 12/12 period until sex it determined as it will be stressful on the plants

I'd just wait for preflowers as to cause no unneeded stress

Cereal box

Active Member
I wouldn't do any 12/12 period until sex it determined as it will be stressful on the plants

I'd just wait for preflowers as to cause no unneeded stress
How do you mean it will be stressful for the plants? I ask because I do 12/12 from seed and all my plants are extremely healthy and successful. I'm curious as I've never heard of 12/12 being stressful before pre flower occur.


New Member
Was reading about it the other day in one o my books not quite sure which one ,

Anyways, it makes the plants more prone to intersexing

And it's also stressful because of the way your plants will grow, they look fine an they are generally healthy but the seeds from 12/12 will have little to no branching and in the end your yield takes one for the team but I guess if thats what your looking for continue to do so