Plant Sickness need help! Pics


Well-Known Member
Lower leaves big and small turn yellow and brown spots on leaves edges eventually turn the whole leave from damp yelllow to dried crusty brown, sickness appears to be spreading higher on the plant. I did chop my tops so i dont know if this is normal or not. I am in the first week of flower. The ph was at 8.0 for a long time so it may have messes it up.I flushed them for the a day in phed water and then added a bit of bloom nutes hoping to correct this deficiency or whatevrr it is.



Well-Known Member
well bud you proble no more than me but it look like a chemical problem i would flush again and do jst water for 24 or 36 hours.good luck man...


Well-Known Member
well bud you proble no more than me but it look like a chemical problem i would flush again and do jst water for 24 or 36 hours.good luck man...
Hard to tell really but looks like possible overwatering? Remember to make sure the pot is dry before each water. Sorry if this was the case, just trying to help.


Well-Known Member
the 8.0 Ph was definitely the problem, get that down to 6.2-6.5 and they should recover



Well-Known Member
Hard to tell really but looks like possible overwatering? Remember to make sure the pot is dry before each water. Sorry if this was the case, just trying to help.
Might be a overnute or deficiency but I do bubbleponics so its always watered, but i had the levels a lot lower and it still got worse so i dont think thats it. anybody else?

I use GH maxigro and Maxibloom


Well-Known Member
Looks like a ph a problem at 8.0 your plant are locking out needed nutes.

Ph has been 6.0 for 3 days now, thinkit is still recovering? I have very little nutes in there but should there be none and if so for how long do u just let them sit in phed water? I think they need the nutes now during flower


Well-Known Member
Could this be a N deficiency? I didnt give them that many veg nutes during veg is this why?

just read smokeybandit said this to someones N deficiency-

"just next time keep em on the veg until week 3 or 4. alot of growers continue with the veg at half strength and start with bloom half strength first or second week of flower."


Well-Known Member
Im having the same issue with my Blueberry mother plant & I always PH @ 6.5, Im beginning to think that its just older leaves dying off & in its placing new leaves are growing.


Well-Known Member
Mary J doesn't kill off leaves and grow new ones. The only time a leaf dies is from lack of something or too much of something, the plant doesn't "Decide" to lose anything.

Your problem definitely looks like a deficiency, but not from lack of nutes provided, lack up nutes received due to lack of uptake since they are locked out by 8.0 ph.


Picture taken from SOG's thread (I only claim copy+paste he he)

You can CLEARLY see from the chart that at hydroponic ph of 8.0 locks out EVERYTHING but Nitrogen and Mg (magnesium). Your plant is starving of all other nutrients. Even at 6.1 for hydro thats a little high although acceptable, shoot for 5.8 which is the best % of all nutes. Hope this helps!


Well-Known Member
what do you mean you just cut the tops off? your problem is K or potassium. and lack of nitrogen. potassium the leave edges will burn and turn necrotic and low N will make the yellowing from K excessive. dont flush again. they need some quality bloom ferts and some veg ferts now as well. u need to get that ph down as like everyone else said here u prob have lockout as well. add some hydrated lime or fine dolomite lime to the top layer of your soil to buffer your ph and you must get that ph in check.
this deficiency has gotten pretty bad and will ultimetley dimish your crop somewhat but dont be too discouraged and fix as soon as you can., the affected leaves will not recover, the main thing is to stop it from spreading to the smaller fans on the actual buds themselves. if you can do that, u should be fine, but do plan on feeding all the way through


Well-Known Member
How can a grower easily add K w/o N and P?
I see lots of K issues and read that K is vital in the plant dealing w/stresses?

Don't despair. I'm constantly trying to deal with this leave issue on a strain I have kept alive for several years (thru clones) and, while my plants do tend to lose almost all leaves, the smoke is still the finest around these parts . . . there's just not as much of it.


Well-Known Member
How can a grower easily add K w/o N and P?
I see lots of K issues and read that K is vital in the plant dealing w/stresses?

Don't despair. I'm constantly trying to deal with this leave issue on a strain I have kept alive for several years (thru clones) and, while my plants do tend to lose almost all leaves, the smoke is still the finest around these parts . . . there's just not as much of it.
easy, there are several products that contain just potassium silicate which is like 0-0-5 and adds exra silicone as well. one label is Growtek or Growtech. for soil, wood ash works but are very acidic. low nitrogen will turn the leaf pale green very slowly. low K issues will turn the edges necrtoci and the yellowing is very sudden and is banana colored.


Well-Known Member
what do you mean you just cut the tops off? your problem is K or potassium. and lack of nitrogen. potassium the leave edges will burn and turn necrotic and low N will make the yellowing from K excessive. dont flush again. they need some quality bloom ferts and some veg ferts now as well. u need to get that ph down as like everyone else said here u prob have lockout as well. add some hydrated lime or fine dolomite lime to the top layer of your soil to buffer your ph and you must get that ph in check.
this deficiency has gotten pretty bad and will ultimetley dimish your crop somewhat but dont be too discouraged and fix as soon as you can., the affected leaves will not recover, the main thing is to stop it from spreading to the smaller fans on the actual buds themselves. if you can do that, u should be fine, but do plan on feeding all the way through
Thanks man, yeah i guess all the deficiencies together looked like nute burn to me and i didnt want to burn them like last grow, I am at ph 6.0 and I put in 6 teaspoons of Maxibloom in the 18 gallon rez hope they start gettting greeneer!


Well-Known Member
the afftected leaves will continue to wosren and eventually drop so dont be too concerne dwith them. u just want it to stop spreading. had very similar issues when i first started- I cut the veg nutes too early and also did not provide enough of the bloom butes. you may want to give em some veg if the N ratio is low in your bloom snutes


Well-Known Member
the afftected leaves will continue to wosren and eventually drop so dont be too concerne dwith them. u just want it to stop spreading. had very similar issues when i first started- I cut the veg nutes too early and also did not provide enough of the bloom butes. you may want to give em some veg if the N ratio is low in your bloom snutes
Yellowing has slowed down and hopefully ended by tomoro, My maxiogro has 10 N and maxiBloom has 5 N, hopefully the bloom has enough N , if not i might try and find some nitrate of soda thx again. And curse whoever told me that not enough nutes is better than too many haha