Plant sprouting too fast using LED's help

Ok so I find personally I dont have enough LED's my father is a retired electritian and I have a bunch of his high powered LED's (White red and green) growing my first indoor the plant has a strong stem but its shooting faster than a virgin :P wondering if I should go CFL's or if there is another fix thanks :)



Well-Known Member
The light is too far away, and your seedling is stretching, trying to reach. You gotta bring that light waaaay closer - within a couple inches of the plant.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, you better go with the CFLs. The LED isn't doing the trick, and the green in it is useless because it's all refected off the plant and not used at all. They should be replaced with white if it was me, although some might recommend red(which I've read induces stretching). I think we'll all agreen that green was the wrong choice, though. Yeah, go with CFLs until dad get's his LED design perfected. Tell him to double or triple the LEDs and eliminate the green ones because they won't do anything for the plant, except make it appear green when you look at it, as the light is reflected back to your eyes. :)

Also, go with at least 50 watts CFL, higher if you don't have any reflector with them. I'd go higher anyway if it were me, but that's because I'm a light addict.LOL. I'm running 1,800 watts in a 5' X 5' space. :lol:
Thanks you guys yeah the LEDs were about 2 inches away I had to move the plant cause the set up was always in the way it was pretty darn close :P thanks for all your help I'm switching to CFL's asap Id much rather prefer to stick to outdoor but indoor seemed fun and a new experience thanks all :D


Active Member
I considered using LEDs, but i think the consensus tends to be, not enough power or too much money for the amount of light you need. I also do electronic wiring... can you maybe post a picture of the LED array your pops made? I guess just to see what didn't work :O