Well-Known Member
Why is it so hard to believe that I've never had this issue before and don't know how to go about fixing it? I used what I know... yoyos and stakes with clips.... did you know everything at first too? No... you used books, research, and forums for help. I'm here for the same reason you are. In fact I'm merely a lurker 95% of the time and barely post. So no I'm not trolling... was just trying to save my babies. So y'all can chill the hell out.
Calm down ya big goof point was it's a good problem to have ....out of all my plants this year my GG4's are doing exactly what yours are .....a piece of garden wire going from the stake to the branch works fine .....GL
Easy peasy ....pretty much any way to tie it up will work ....tape,twine,pubic hair, socks, used condom, chewed bubble gum, hose off a penis pump, etc etc