plant top leaves are cupping badly


Whats the temp 90+ ? they just look like they are praying for cooler temperatures to me :) Nice thermometer have same one in my room .


Ya I had the same problem with my room, my temp was over 80 sometimes up to 90, I was freaking out because I had no room for more fans and the leaves were cupped very bad and crisping at the tips but what I really needed was another exhaust fan that did the trick instantly only got the temp down to 80 but it wouldn't get any hotter and they liked that just fine :) (my avatar is a pic of the above mentioned crop of church)


Active Member
I believe that "cupping" is more likely moisture stress (of course, that could be related to temperatures, but humidity is the key, they cup because they want it more humid).
i do have an inline fan 200cfm, and fresh air vent for air to come in, also 16" osillating fan. humidity is between 38-50, but mostly stays at 40, temps are good as well. they are cupping but not crispy, leaves still seem healthy, its under 400w hps, 12/12 on its 6th week of bloom, in a 4x4x6 room, the strain is 80% indica 20% sativa, nl x budda, says its a 8-9 week flowering period, the only thing from what i\ve been reading i can tell is that it is a mg def, with the cupping and all. I guess i will give a good flush and then start them on 1/4 nute feeding every watering and see where that takes me, this is my first grow, so iam learning as i go.