Plant turning lime green in the beginning of flowering. Please help


Well-Known Member
that is a huge plant and probably pretty hungry you can get liquid fish fertilizer at walmart and add it to you water it is high in N and works quick just not too much like 20 ml per gallon and then maybe a topdress of worm castings and bat guano


Well-Known Member
congrats anyways if you can pull it off you can smoke all winter and into spring for sure
that is a huge plant and probably pretty hungry you can get liquid fish fertilizer at walmart and add it to you water it is high in N and works quick just not too much like 20 ml per gallon and then maybe a topdress of worm castings and bat guano
Awesome, thanks for the quick response!
After the couple weeks switch to bird guano still use worm castings and XL or whatever you like. 4 oz of each except for your micro I would probably triple that, almost forgot one of the most important things you need a sugar to brew with all that, cane, molasses, or I love and use Trinity by Roots.