Plant turning yellowish with rust spots and curling of leaves?


View attachment 1199275plantproblem 001.jpgplantproblem 006.jpgplantproblem 007.jpgplantproblem 005.jpgplantproblem 004.jpgplantproblem 002.jpgSo I have had this little one for about 2-3 weeks and it was doing fine. Here lately it has been getting yellow leaves. and I seriously doubt it's Nitrogen. It has plenty of it. But also these little rust looking spots and at the top canopy leaves, they are curling like rolling into a natural leaf or something, lol. I keep water and plant food with 24-8-16. I have other tall ones that are doing just fine off of this routine and smelling wonderful. I'm wondering what is wrong with this one? any help would be greatly appreciated:clap:


Not really too sure. I don't have a hygrometer. But all the others are just fine??? I can't wait to flower the other ones


Active Member
Ive seen mine cup like that, usually if I forget to raise my lights. If you are treating the others the same, and they are fine.... dont do anything. This could just be a fluke or weak gal. Id move her to the worst spot in the garden and carry on. :)


Well-Known Member
alright man looks to me like you might have multiple problems.. 1) the curling leaves could be heat stress and or salt build up.. 2) the yellowing could be many nute and or ph problems.. 3) it could be waterlogged..

you need to give more info about your girls living conditions and diet..


M'kay. So that one in particular is about 3 weeks old. I germinated it and planted it in Miracle-Gro Moisture Control Potting Mix .21%-Nitrogen .07%-phosphate .10%-iron .14%-soluble potassium. I give her about 4 hours of sleep. Water when I stick my finger in the soil up to the very first knuckle and don't feel any moisture. A put in Miracle-Gro 24-8-6 (Nitrogen/Phosphorus/Potassium) also ((Boron-.02%, Copper-.07%, Iron-.15%, Magnessium-.05%, Molybdenum-.0005%, Zinc-.06%)) about every 2-3 waterings. Working out beautifully for the other ones. I have a fan that blows on them pretty gently to build stem strength. And also, why is it that occasionally I get a white build-up on top of my soil? I was told that it's the salt from The Food and that I needed to "leech it?" (watering excessively until the water drains out of the bottom) I don't think it's water logged. I'm pretty precise on the ammount of water. I play it by ear, or eye, until the soil is moist.