Plant weirded out over night, help.


New Member
So this is a 2 weeks old outdoor grow, I've used no ferts yet and I water it every 2 days, though the day before this it rained for like 10 mins making it 2 consecutive days of watering.

Here is the before:


And the now:


Sorry for the darkness, but I only remembered of taking a picture now, if you need I can take another tomorrow during the day time.

Note this happened overnight and I've done literally nothing to it, so I have no clue why this happened in such a sudden way.

Thanks in advance I'll be waiting on feedback.


Well-Known Member
I don't know ,could have a dog have pissed on it? it seems strange that only the growing tip is dead.


New Member
No, that is not possible, the only way an animal could have reached would be by flying or crawling, so only a bird or insect could have done it.

And matter fact is that I found some bugs on it, I'm not sure what they are, they were really small with apparently no legs and they left black stuff under my leaves, I grabbed a wet tissue and cleaned the leaves.

My guess is they were thrips or mites, even though they looked like thrips I've saw some webs on the plant too, but on my opinion the webs were from actually spiders living nearby (that place always had spiders). Also the pot was over an old wooden table, if I'm not mistaken a good place for thrips to live.

Could that have been the cause of such destruction?


New Member
I've took new pictures now, I think you can see the problem clearly now:

Please share any thoughts you have, I'm a new grower and I really have no clue about what to do here.
I'll be waiting on feedback, thanks in advance.