Planted 3 Days Ago What/when Nutes To Get!


Active Member
When should i start using nutes.
How much, how often.
And whats a decent brand to get from walmart, lowes?

P.S - Its 3 plants, 2 are about an inch tall. and the third just barely peeping out.


Active Member
Also atm i have a 4ft flourescent light each bulb is 2,250 lumens.
Is that good for 4-5 plants?
And will i have to upgrade later on or will this work for the untire time?


Well-Known Member
you should have your plants on 18/6 light cycle now and depending on the plant give it maybe a few weeks before adding nutes and add only a tinyyyyyy bit of nutrients the stuff is power full. and as the plant gets bigger add a tiny bit more but becareful not to get nutrient burns. look in the grow faq it should tell you


New Member
i suggest looking around the site more it sounds like you have no idea what your doing... your gonna need alot more light then that.. especially to flower u should have it on a 18/6 cycle now.... keep it 18/6 for about a month then u might want to flower. so u make the light cycle 12/12 NO LIGHT DURING DARK HOURS THIS WILL FUCK Up ur plant
after you leave it on 12/12 for 6-11 weeks u can havest/cure/ect... when all ur hairlike things on plant become about half dark/amber/brown you know its time to harvest... i suggest picking up alot more lights other then that i really cant help unless u give specifics + people like pics go get some


Well-Known Member
I have some of mine under CFL's and some under shop light FLO's, four tubes total (24/7 light), I've found that leaving the lights on 24/7 under CFL's the plants grow much faster than under FLO's on 24/7 or 18/6 lighting schedule.

I recommend putting them under as much CFL light as possible, put the FLO's on the side or something and leave on 24/7, unless you are not in a hurry and worry about cost of electricity.


New Member
CHECK HERE for some good cheap cfls... like 20 bucks for 150 wat which is like 10x what ur little shop light has pick up 1 of those in warm white and one in cool white for flower and veg and that should get you throu the whole grow... ive seen good results with people flowering with 150 watts


New Member
mabe and yes... i know someone will argue with me on this... ive seen some dude in the mountains grow with only 150 watts.. just keep ur plants small dont grow monsters.... grow them to about 3 ft give or take depending on what u need then harvest... start flowering between 12-20 inches . plants will double size during flowering. if u get 2 150 watts you should be safe.. or 150 and some smaller ones.... i just picked up 2 105 watts and a smaller odor killing bulb .... havent used em yet.. plan to start in 1-2 weeks when i get my seeds.


Well-Known Member
lol you found it, I would use like four or more of the 150w for 3 - 5 plants, the more light the better, also you should be safe to veg 3 or so plants with just a couple for now but I recommend adding light as u can before flowering.


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New Member
Hum : do you know where to get good soil at local shops ? without mixing .. just strait up from the bag... like homedepot or w.e the closest foxfarm place to me is an hour. and id rather not order a 25 lb bag online :)

ContRol : everything in life is personal preferance.ull learn that fast...... people will say they can grow with 50 watts and get 2-3 onces a plant.. mabe they can.. others will say you cant grow with anything less then a 250 hps... mabe they know that to be true.... either way you need to find what works for you if you can grow with 150 watts go for it... i would suggest more for 3-5 plants but it should be sufiicient for atleast 2


Well-Known Member
you may also just buy many smalelr CFL's the 42w CFL (150w equiv) which are like $20 ish a peice and just get lamp sockets and wire your own fixture. I did a 12 bulb fixture (312w usage 1,200w equiv) worth of lights. i believe they were 2,600 lumens for the 26 or 42w ones. usually the 26's are for veg and 42w are for flowering. as for cloning i dont think you should use a cfl.. maybe a floro of low light or even an incandescent.. lol

If you have any other questions I gre VERY sucessfully with CFL's and got a nice 3/4 to ounce yeild of "good shit". never got a chance to actualyl weigh it tho.


Well-Known Member
Hum : do you know where to get good soil at local shops ? without mixing .. just strait up from the bag... like homedepot or w.e the closest foxfarm place to me is an hour. and id rather not order a 25 lb bag online :smile:

No sorry I don't know of any good potting mixes with fertilizer etc. also I heard that's not the best route, I used organic soil with worm castings called "Black Gold" and my plants are doing good, you should be able to buy it at wal -mart home deput etc. I did use some other cheap organic soil with a few of my plants but they didn't like it, so I'm going to stick with what I know works, black gold or foxfarms.



Active Member
so either way i have to spend over $100 on lights just for 3-5 plants.
i hope it is worth it.

150 watt bulb with a good reflector will work hopefully.
one warm white and one bright.
hopefully it workssss.


Well-Known Member
iwir3d as I was going through your journal I saw the light setup that you built and it inspired me to build one similar, so far its working like a charm, nice job on your CFL grow.