planted cracked seeds, to light or not to light


Active Member
Allright, so I germed my 2 seeds in paper towel and they cracked last night. Wasn't sure if I should wait for tap root to grow longer or plant right away so did some research. While it seemed that everyone had different opinions on when the seed should be planted, someone stated "The seed is using stored energy, so I suggest planting it as soon as it cracks so it can get energy from another source sooner." That made the most logical sense to me so I planted the seeds last night into my medium (30% perilite and 70% FF Ocean forest) last night.

Right now I have the seeds in my tent which is at a nice 78 degrees constant with passive intake and my exhaust fan on low moving some air. I have a space heater sitting at my intake outside my tent to maintain the 77 degrees as my basement is actually kinda cold and the seeds need it around 80 degrees I read.

Where I could not find a solid answer to was to the following questions:

1. Should I have my lights on the soil already or should I wait for the plants to sprout. I have the lights on right now, and I feel the lights are drying out my soil a little; and I thought water and heat were more important right now. Should I turn off my lights till they sprout?

2. How much water should I be giving the seeds? I know we don't want to drown them, I got the soil moist. I planted in moist soil last night when I woke up this morning the soil was dry cause lights were on all night so I re-watered with about 2 oz of water each plant.

Sorry to ask these questions, but i'm a noob. Also if you could focus on the questions at hand not critiquing my germination method, most threads with these questions seem to get derailed into a conversation if a seed should be germinated in a cup of water, paper towel or straight in soil...


New Member
just a cfl will do if there cracked and have a long ish tail if they only just cracked give them more hours darkness before you add light


Active Member
Thanks for quick reply, think ill give them 24 hours of no light for now. I am doing a CFL grow, my DIY hood has eleven 23 watt cfls (253 w) maybe a little overkill for now.

Thanks again for quick reply!


Well-Known Member
there are few ways to achieve this that works well. After trying some methods I finally went with the following:
I drop seeds for 24 hours into water to soak them, then put them ~1/2 - 1/4 inch into watered and drained soil(i do not wait for the tap root to emerge cause when in paper towel it start stretching I find that too fragile to be handled, anyway it will end up in soil, so why not let it grow in there from the beginning). Usually it takes 3-4 days for the plant to emerge from soil. Room temp of 78 is in a perfect range, no additional warming or cooling needed. Spray the top of the soil with water so there would not be any crust which could cause a plant to struggle breaking through. Also lightly mist it when it will emerge so the seed shell would not get too tough and plant could free itself easily from it.
About the light - no rocket science here. I would put it under cfl, electricity and heat control wise it's a winner for me. tap root cannot be exposed to light, but emerged plant needs light right away. so while waiting for the seed to emerge no light, when it emerges, you turn on the light. simple as that.
Also, first week or two plant is stretching its tap root for about 4-6 inches. make sure you have a cup at least 4inches deep so it would not have to spin at the bottom thus resulting in a smaller less yielding plant.

also note: PATIENCE comes a long way, it will take it's time to emerge, just put it and wait. and do not over water.
Good luck.