Planted germinated seed struggling

So I successfully germinated a few seeds using the paper towel method. I got some soil and threw the seeds in, but I did kind of forget about them germinating, so the growth was kind of long. I may have not planted one of the seeds deep enough because the part in between the seed and the root under the soil is dried up. I checked to see if the whole sprout was dried and it’s literally just the part that’s outside. Is it salvageable if I leave it alone or plant it deeper?



Well-Known Member
Looks fine! A lot of times those seed shells stay on until the leaves start coming out. If the stay on too long you can use tweezers to pull them off, but they should fall off naturally. Check out this website if you’re new to growing

R Burns

Well-Known Member
Low humidity, not planted deep enough, shit genetics are the reasons that the seed stays on like that. Looks like that is on pretty good. I don't expect it will fall off naturally. You have to help it along. Pair of tweezers works. For tough ones, I'll take the tips of 2 razor blades and pry apart by the sides. Be careful, take your time. Put it right under light after.


I’m a first time grower and have a great formula for germinating seeds that has worked every time. Check out my seedling time lapse.
