planted my girls! question though. please help!


Active Member
well i just planted my girls! 2 x ak-48 for my first grow, i have a few questions though. before i planted the seed i watered just the top part of the soil maybe about 1 inch or so. should i of soaked all of the soil? and left it damp? i didnt want to water log it... and i used a red solo cup and i didnt make drainage holes on the bottom, should i have/do that?
Yes definitely make drainage holes on the bottom. If you are using good soil, go ahead and soak it all the way through. If not, maybe just try to soak some of it. Try adding perlite if you have bad soil.


New Member
well i just planted my girls! 2 x ak-48 for my first grow, i have a few questions though. before i planted the seed i watered just the top part of the soil maybe about 1 inch or so. should i of soaked all of the soil? and left it damp? i didnt want to water log it... and i used a red solo cup and i didnt make drainage holes on the bottom, should i have/do that?
are they rooted clones, or seeds?

you do not want the soil to be soaked when they are little. the only time you can soak the soil is once the plant is mature and root bound and drinking lots of water.

the way i start seeds is by pushing them in the soil a little, spinkle soil over them, pat down and then spraying the top layer of soil with warm water twice a day.

when they break soil (3-5 days) i start watering with 1oz of water a day, around the stem. when they get bigger (exit seedling stage and enter veg stage) i give them like 4 oz of water, and i watch how much they drink, and water accordingly.

eventually they will be big enough and drinking tons of water. this is when wet the pot until it just starts dripping out the drain holes, and then let them dry out fully. wont take long with a good root system. you want to use the right amount of water so that youre watering every day or every other day.

i like starting in my biggest pot. the only reason we start in small pots is to get a lot of wet/dry cycles, and to prevent root rot (fungus from having the soil soaking wet all the time)

i simulate this and get a lot of wet/dry cycles early by watering the way i described.


Active Member
can you starty off a seedling at a 1-2g pot?
sure, some people sprout in there big flower pots so they never have to transplant. n yes drainage is key, the big chunky perlite is better imo, but go easy if you do use it. and prewash it first, that dust us horrible for you and you plants.


sure, some people sprout in there big flower pots so they never have to transplant. n yes drainage is key, the big chunky perlite is better imo, but go easy if you do use it. and prewash it first, that dust us horrible for you and you plants.
so a 1-2 g pot is ok to use as a seed?


Active Member
you can soak them no problem, the issue comes in when people water too often thinking its helping the plant grow faster. the old finger trick still works great, jam one in the soil, if its still moist, wait to water. and if its taking to long to dry out, get out a fan and let'em have it. also get used to there dry/wet wieghts, then you could just lift them and tell. the faster you can move your wet dry cycle the better imo. to fast tho and it becomes a pain, or they wilt before you get a chance to water. you'll find a happy medium tho


Active Member
if there okay in the earth soil, they'll be okay in whatever you put them in. so yea, they should be happy to just see soil :weed: if its a seeds just dont bury it to china, maybe a inch or so


Well-Known Member
you can definatly plant directly into final container, but there will be some delay before you start seeing a lot of growth while the root system develops.
people generally start in smaller pots because it takes less time to fill with roots so the plant enters veg faster, then it can be transplanted and grow more roots as it develops

the only time it is recomended NOT to transplant is if your growing autoflowers as this will reduce there final size (they dont have additional time in veg to make up for havign to grow new roots)


Active Member
you can definatly plant directly into final container, but there will be some delay before you start seeing a lot of growth while the root system develops.
people generally start in smaller pots because it takes less time to fill with roots so the plant enters veg faster, then it can be transplanted and grow more roots as it develops
agreed, its easier to over water in big pots with small root systems too. there just isnt enough roots to use all the water. try watering slow too, it'll help keep your soil from getting to compact in the end. a pop bottle with 6 or so small holes drilled in the lid works great