planted wrong?


Well-Known Member
hmm.. i planted my seed about 2.5days ago.. and im looking at it now and it looks like the seed it self it popping out of the dirt...

did i put it to close to the top of the soil? or is this normal?

im really nervous i planted wrong and my grow will fail


Well-Known Member
the seeds just stuck on the first two leaves, make sure to take it off gently before it gets too big, it could kill it, happend to me once and now i always take em off as fast as i can


Well-Known Member
relly? its only day 2.5? two leaves already coming out of soil?
it just looks like the tip of the seed when it was done germinating.. except more cracked now and poking out of soil hehe


Well-Known Member
the roots going down right? the seed is just stuck on the top of the stem cause its wraped around ur starter leaves? if not then i dont know what ur doin


Well-Known Member
well its almost like i can see part of the root coming out of the dirt next to it.. almost like it started growing and got pushed up out of dirt..

like when a seed is germinated. the white root sprouted out seems like it is popping out of dirt and a lil over the seed itself is coming up.

i think i may have not planted it low enough in the soil? how low is it supposed to be planted?


Well-Known Member
1/4 to 1/2 in. yea it sounds like you got a bigger problem then a stuck seed pod, you could try puling the whole guy out and stick his tail downward other than that i dont know how to help. i do know roots arent supposed to see light tho might screw her up


Well-Known Member
i dont have a very good camera.. 2.0 mp.. this is best i cud do

1st pic is the seed thats germinated... the root sprouted was about 1/2 longer than that when it was planted

2nd pic.. u can se some root poping out of dirt and then the seed poping out as well



Well-Known Member
so basically i am wondering if i should just kinda dig a little deeper plant it beter and re cover it with some soil?


Well-Known Member
I dont think it is too late to repositon, I dont know about replanting. Maybe just bury the root end a lil better and point the seed head upward and make it stay that way. Otherwise I don't really know how to advise you. However they are a very resilient plant.


Well-Known Member
yea i think i just completely killed/ruined/murdered my baby :(

it was trying to do as u say,..and root was longer then i thought.. and root was thin and fragile and cut in half
lets say if root was about 4inches.. and 2.5 got cut off... basically screwed it all up right?


Well-Known Member
if you replant it, it will probably die. if you leave it alone, it will probably die. either way...'nuff said. next time try planting more than one seed and you'll have a better survival rate. good luck.


Well-Known Member
yea thanks heh..
non of the other seeds germinated yet.. i have like 10 more trying to germinate.. just not working out


Well-Known Member
very urgent here... any1 at all know if this completely screwed my plant over?
or is there still a chance to pull through?