Planting late tips....


So my first plant didn't go so well. I had 7 plants going outside in the woods and I just went there yesterday and 4 of my best ones had been eaten by deer I'm assuming. The others were my weaker ones and I dont think they'll make it.

So I'm gonna give it another shot. I'm in NorthEast USA and I've read that you can still grow, just won't give a great yield, which i'm fine with. Last time after I germinated I just left them in my house in a spot that got good light for a few weeks. I'm thinking of maybe starting them under lights.

Whats the best way to do this? I'm gonna have probably three plants. Just grow them under CFL's 24/0? For how long? Because its a bit later when is the best time to put them out you think?


Well-Known Member
Growing under CFL's is fine. You need approx 50W per square foot of grow space and pay attention to actual wattage, not equivalent. Grow them out to about 12" tall and then put them outside, but introduce them slowly before throwing them to the wolves(or deer in your case), about a few hours every day for a week, then it's ready to transplant outside permanently.

You may need to erect a small fence around them to protect from the deer. The plants won't finish until sometime in October, so I hope temperatures don't dip too low by then because that's probably your biggest concern with growing somewhat late in the season.


Well-Known Member
I would grow them under light until they are at a size that you want. Then stick them outside to flower. You could veg them indoors for as long or as short a time as you want. Like you said you aint bothered about getting a massive yield. So it is totally up to you man. Good luck mate.


What lighting should I start to grow under? 24/0? 18/6? something else?

also. Should I keep it in potting soil the whole time its under the lights up to the point I put it outside?


Well-Known Member
I like 18/6. I haven't noticed much of a difference in growth to justify using 24, except for cloning. To answer your second question, stick to potting soil, yeah. Miracle Grow Moisture Control isn't bad shit, despite the many MG haters out there. You won't need to use any nutrients for a good 4-6 weeks and by then you'll probably have transplanted already.

grow space

Well-Known Member
good luck do you man.i have 5 clones and about 3 weeks when they are rooted then going to put them also outside-its late but what can you do.
hope it all goes well mate.