Planting outdoors in the fall?


Active Member
Hey everybody, I am growing outdoors in a greenhouse in San Diego and was going to plant another crop in October after I harvest my current crop and had some questions.
1. Will the new plants grow just big enough to mature then start budding?
2. I am using Fox Farm nutes, what week of the feeding shedule should I start on if I do this. I'm assuming that they wont have the same growth cycle as plants are planted in the spring.

I would really appreciate your help.:weed:

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
This is just like doing a 12/12 from seed, only outdoors so:

1. Go with any strain you like, although I wouldn't recommend too dominant indicas, they might yield poorly in such conditions. Your best bet is with hybrids, maybe some skunk types.

2. Even thou it's supposed to start flowering immediatly, a plant in these conditions will have a really short vegging period (aprox 2 weeks) and then actually start producing buds, so start with a 1/4 strength solution of vegging nutes, gradually raise the concentration in the first 2 weeks to 1/2 strength, then switch to 1/2 strength for flowering, raising to full concentration in the next 2 weeks.


Hey everybody, I am growing outdoors in a greenhouse in San Diego and was going to plant another crop in October after I harvest my current crop and had some questions.
1. Will the new plants grow just big enough to mature then start budding?
2. I am using Fox Farm nutes, what week of the feeding shedule should I start on if I do this. I'm assuming that they wont have the same growth cycle as plants are planted in the spring.

I would really appreciate your help.:weed:
I'll throw my two cents in since you asked. Lot of people don't agree with me but growing at a low latitude we don't get lots of time changes in daylight. I have found the plants will want to go into flower as soon as they are mature enough on decreasing light. That being said if your plants are not finished or really close by the 21st of Dec you could have problems. That is the day that the days start to lengthen and your plant wanting to start growing again. It just doesn't work the same under lights as it does outside, your plants are going to be signaled by the length day light decrease or increase. Good Luck


Well-Known Member
Go for it and post your results I will b e watching. Should be interesting how tall they actually get. I have a similar experiment I will be trying but I will be letting them veg another two weeks then putting them outside.


Active Member
Hey everybody thanks for the advice! Does anyone know a good autoflowering strain, I'm seed shopping right now.