Planting them roots.


Active Member
Sink most of the stems, into the soil, when transplanting. More support & roots! Looking good!
Yeah i did with my test plant some weeks back and i love the way she boomed, aside from some current health issues im praying i can recover from but i hope to run the same cycle with these bunch.

(Test plant is currently 39 days from seed)20181028_092816.jpg

Mind you i made every rookie mistake in the book with this test plant, hot soil mix, the overwatering, not ph'ing my water, and tester has had no nutes in its time. 8 nodes and only about 7 or 8 inches tall, one positive though i fimmed it last week and i think i got close to hitting the mark hahaha.

Trimmed a few nodes of dying folliage from the bottom, washed off all the hot soil mix, treated the roots with some organic ryzo root booster and put her in fresh potting mix/pearlite with a healthy dose of great white. Praying she recovers but the next week or so will tell.

If i can get her healthy again all plants will go under the 600w once im past the seedling stage and that tester should explode, hopefully these freshies follow suit.


Active Member
I contemplated another theory while treating the test plant though.

If the roots do not recover and the plant looks on the virge of death what would happen if i was to snip the roots completely, hit it with some clonex and treat it as if it were a cutting?

Would that be another viable option to save it or wont work....


Well-Known Member
My 2¢ .....

Most of your issues are from your hand .... user errors.
What soil is that you are using ?
Ph of water used and type
Feed ( Nutes )
Grow space

Overwatering, over handling , plus fim / topping an already stressed plant will give you exactly what you are seeing. Now you expressed cutting the roots off and treat it like a clone ?

It’s ALREADY rooted ....

User errors are from too much micromanaging and hovering over growth.
Try a bagged mix
PLant seedling ... bury the stem to stop overstretch
Light watering to BASE of stem .......... Not full container.
Allow seedling to SEEK moisture ( tap root will shoot to bottom ) and growth will accelerate
Cotyledon leaves carry basic nutrition inside itself to START SEEDLING GROWTH
Good bagged soil needs NOTHING ... NO EXTRA FEED , NOTHING
And will carry initial growth for weeks on WATER ONLY.

After awhile ( weeks ) soil will start to exhaust ... by then you should be either getting close to flip or veg longer if desired. If growing a longer veg stage then you will supplement VEG NUTES as it needs nitrogen for green growth.

If flipping .... a simple 1/4 to 1/2 strength VEG nute feed to boost it thru transition as it changes gear to flower. The next 2 weeks she will stretch and branch ( harden up ) PRIOR to full flower.
Once it slows or stops .... THEN you can begin BLOOM NUTES.

PH 6.3 to 6.5 ( soil ) ...... you can LOCKOUT nitrogen under 6.0 in soil.

Forget test plants .... you are just wasting plants and time by not really trying to correct from start.
Think about it ...... 39 days were just wasted up to a point NOW where you still want to cut on it.
That plant would have been so much more right now if you just grew simply.


Active Member
Yeah i understand, it wasnt as much a test of wether i could grow as opposed to testing my indoor setup, first time growing in a tent. Have purchased nutes and ph kit along the way as it wasnt in my initial purchase. One big thing was realising my tent was no good in a larger empty room, too hard to controll too much ambient temp/humidity for the small overall grow space. Has been moved to a closet where its more managable. Im first to admit i over handled her hence why im just letting these seedlings do their thing. Its getting house and garden soil A now ph'd to 6.5. Currently sat under the 130w cfl with the seedlings when their all ready will change that bulb out too a 600w. These seedlings will be moved outdoors in about 6-8 weeks just starting some rapid veg inside.

Like i said im not overly fussed about that first plant if doing what i have done gives it a chance to survive im happy with that but it was used to learn on to which ive identified my issues and got on top of them and learnt to identify some deficiencies along the way.

The cutting of the roots wasnt a plan was just theorising as ive been told it was root damage i was contemplating wether it could be possible for alternate recovery.


Well-Known Member
The tester may reroot but you have them already! Root damage feeds the soil in terms of damaged material feeding microbes. You'll see signs of recovery faster if she's allowed to rest in a comfortable space. You'd wait for new roots, transplant, wait for the new roots to start picking up good nutes, then see better growth. Consistent good environment is when you see healthy growth!
It's kinda hard to see but I believe your FIM took! I'm running scrog & have noticed better growth since I quit cutting leaves off!