plants are turning yellowish and the growth is slowing down...what does this mean????


Active Member
i feel likle my plants have been 12-14 inches for the last 2-3 weeks.....

before it seemed like they were growing about an inch a day....

now i dont see much of an increase in growth....also the bottom leaves are yellowing with brown rot spots on them...

whats going on here??


im using 1000 watt high pressure sodium....the light is really hot so i have it 40 inches away from the tops of the plant....

leaves used to be glossy and they're shriveled, dry, and droopy....

just starting giving them nutes about a week ago....

help help help


Active Member
should i rip off rotting yellow leaves?
i am by far no expert, but i would have to guess NO dont rip off the yellow leaves

more than likely it has something to do with the nutes
might wanna only use half of recommended use at first then move up
but like i said i am no expert


Smoky McPot
miahs right about the nutes. could be that you gave them too much. Or the droopiness could be overwatering or underwatering. The yellowing could be a nitrogen deficiency. How are your nutes? How old are ur plants? At 2 feet u can probably start flowering if u havent already. Maybe something would change.