Plants Curling Up - Don't think it's heat stress

Nutrient lockout is not just a "hydro" problem, if you mix your nutes wrong, depending on the nutes you use, you can lock out your mix as you're making it. It is why it is important to know the terms and know when things are locked out due to PH.
i think they are not getting enough air(co2) they turn up when they cant breath right. so pump more air in and a fan blowing on them.
In a word......bullshit. I'll stake up my $10 general nutrients against any pot-specific nutes.

and I say BULLSHIT to you. you my friend are a hobby grower (internet grower, same thing) obviously and probably live in the Mid West some ware growing your 1 plant. LoL . keep using your Walmart nutes. LoL
and I say BULLSHIT to you. you my friend are a hobby grower (internet grower, same thing) obviously and probably live in the Mid West some ware growing your 1 plant. LoL . keep using your Walmart nutes. LoL

Sigh.......I regret posting a "my dick is bigger than your dick" on this thread. These kind of things never open minds and end up a bunch of name-calling.

So I am sorry for that post.

If you want to spend a shit-ton of money on nutrients that are supposedly better for growing pot....please be my guest.

I think its obvious lockout happens to soil and hydro. However salt build up does not happen the same way as soil. Soil the excess salt collects in the soil like a filter, in hydro the plant just drinks more water than nutrients letting things fall oit of range. Soil takes a flush, hydro is iust a water top off (dwc). Cocoa etc. will need a flush if nutrient lockout occurs
Ben franklin, where are your journals bro? Was looking forward to checking out the results of your perfect termonology and expertise of growing.
Sigh.......I regret posting a "my dick is bigger than your dick" on this thread. These kind of things never open minds and end up a bunch of name-calling.

So I am sorry for that post.

If you want to spend a shit-ton of money on nutrients that are supposedly better for growing pot....please be my guest.

Looks great dude! What exactly u feed it?
Nice. Id like to see a side by side with a proven line. The thing with herb is that even a couple oz. More a harvest makes up for the $100 in nutrients (if in fact a side by side or two actually showed gains). Thats the only reason soil and nutrient prices are what they are... back when people were only growing tomatoes most fertilizers were cheap
Grew outdoors Purple #1 I feed it 5x strong Miracle grow once a week I would mix a 5 gallon bucket and pour it on. 20-20-20 then once I sexed it I went to super bloom at 5x strong for 5 weeks. I got to say this was one hell of a plant. I had 6 females out of 10 just like this100_5641.JPG
But...but.....but.....those big plants COULDN'T have been grown with cheap nutrients! They must have been grown with nutrients that have "pot specific" ingredients like these:

Total Nitrogen (N)10%5% Ammoniacal Nitrogen5% Nitrate NitrogenAvailable Phosphate (P2O5)30%Soluble Potash (K2O)20%Magnesium (Mg)0.50%0.50% Water Soluble Magnesium (Mg)Boron (B)0.02%Copper (Cu)0.05%0.05% Chelated Copper (Cu)Iron (Fe)0.10%0.10% Chelated Iron (Fe)Manganese (Mn)0.05%0.05% Chelated Manganese (Mn)Molybdenum (Mo)0.0009%Zinc (Zn)0.05%0.05% Chelated Zinc (Zn)

Oh shoot.....that's the ingredients of Jack's Classic.