Plants dieing right after germination

test the PH of your water, seedlings die easily to high chlorine as they are MUCH more sensitive to anything being babies.
Your problem is the coco. Start seedling in a starter mix then into coco when they are much larger...Google: seedlings dying coco

Perfectly prepared and buffered coco will help...but seedlings are so sensitive. My feeling is that it's Na released from the coco. Very toxic to plants.
Your problem is the coco. Start seedling in a starter mix then into coco when they are much larger...Google: seedlings dying coco

Perfectly prepared and buffered coco will help...but seedlings are so sensitive. My feeling is that it's Na released from the coco. Very toxic to plants.

Thanks for that tip. I did research that info you recommended, it seems that it maybe the coco but most of the info I found was on forums and I didn't find any kind of articles making that claim. And I'm sure if you insert any other medium with "seedlings dying in_______" you would pull up similar info. But since I'm already up a creek I'm willing to try just about anything. Thanks for ur help.
Like Im going to practice with some bag seed first see what works for me then start planting my good seeds. Luckily I just got some skywalker OG, that I was able to pull seeds from so I'm trying those now.
Okay so with this latest batch I moved them into another room, a room that doesn't contain any hps lighting , to prevent temperature swings. Also this room has no fan going to dry out the coco. I also changed the lighting to a 100w equivalent cfl. Also I was researching damping off and read where someone recommended ground cinnamon on top the growing medium to help prevent it. Well I tired it on this batch of seeds, I did 2 seeds that I ordered (cheese and aurora INDICA) and a few sky walker OG. The two I purchased surfaced 2 days ago and last night I noticed that the others should be up by tonight. I'll keep y'all posted, going to try a seedling mix as we'll.
Your problem is the coco. Start seedling in a starter mix then into coco when they are much larger...Google: seedlings dying coco

Perfectly prepared and buffered coco will help...but seedlings are so sensitive. My feeling is that it's Na released from the coco. Very toxic to plants.
Hey is miracle grow seedling soil ideal ?
Hi Nodgman,
I've seen people get away with it. The deal is seedlings don't need any nutrients and don't tolerate nutrients well during early growth.. So better to use something mild like a seed starter mix. Miracle Grow makes a seed starter mix and does not recommend their regular soil for seeds.

This coco issue has been going on for years. Used to be worse because many cocos weren't rinsed adequately.
Hi Nodgman,
I've seen people get away with it. The deal is seedlings don't need any nutrients and don't tolerate nutrients well during early growth.. So better to use something mild like a seed starter mix. Miracle Grow makes a seed starter mix and does not recommend their regular soil for seeds.

This coco issue has been going on for years. Used to be worse because many cocos weren't rinsed adequately.
Hey thanks JD, I went out Monday evening and bought a bag of miracle grow's seedling mix. I threw some seeds in there Monday night and I'll let you know how that works out for me. As for the last batch that I did, the aurora INDICA and Swiss cheese died from damping. Those two seeds were both purchased as regular nirvana (brand) seeds thru herbies. Then I did about 6 sky walker OG seeds, these were bag seeds. Now with the OG seeds 5 out 6 look to be pretty good, one died from accidental damage I caused trying to get the shell off the leaves. Now maybe im crazy but im beginning to think it might be the seeds/strains. I've always ordered from Herbies (mainly because they sponsor this site) but maybe I'll have to try somewhere else just to see. I've also noticed that their will be certain seeds that I'll get 100% germination on. For instance my first grow, I had delicious jack herer, two free seeds, both grew to be beautiful plants. This time I had 3 free delicious Black Russian seeds, two germinated, one died due to grower error. Meanwhile I have those aurora INDICA from nirvana that out of the 6 i planted,all 6 died. Are some strains more susceptible to damping off?

Thanks for for all the help and I'll be sure to let u know how the seedling mix works out for me.
Good morning Nodgman,
Far as germination goes...I think that relates to the quality and care of the breeders/growers. Making healthy hardy seeds, while not as hard as growing bud...still requires attention to detail.

There is a classic distinction between sativas and indicas. Sativa seedlings and plants require less nutrients and can be nute burned easier. Indicas less so.

My thinking is that it's a two step process here. Certain strains may be stressed easier. And a stressed seedling (from almost any stress) is weaker and then will be more likely to fall prey to 'damping off".

Hope your seedlings do better in the starter mix. Give them till you see a hint of yellow in the true leaves before starting mild feedings.
Grrr all the freaking bag seeds flourish. The $100 for 5 , seeds, those... Those bastards love to die.

I was searching the site and I was reading that article about how some strains benefit from a long cool period. Any truth to that? Like is it a good idea to place my seeds in a light proof bag, then place the bag in my veggie drawer on the bottom of my fridge for a month or two? Or is this just some more hocus pokus crap?
Hi Nodgman,
OK, on the OG killed one by accident and the rest died? But were they in coco. You were skeptical of my info on Coco killing seedlings but I see thread after thread of that very same thing happening. One dude killed 45 expensive seeds before switching to a sterter mix. After that...he managed to keep them alive.

Look up cold stratification. It isn't hocus pocus. I'm running a personal test right now.

Sometimes I wonder how old seeds are at certain seedbanks. If they don't sell...I'll bet they just keep them hanging around. That may be the deal with Herbies. When I was in seed buying mode, I mostly did business with Seedbay.
Hey just to update you guys I've had like a 99% success rate since switching to mircle grows seed starting mix in those fiber pots. Thanks guys for the help.
Congratulations on your success and thanks for posting the results. Nice to hear. Keep up the good work and happy growing...
Congratulations on your success and thanks for posting the results. Nice to hear. Keep up the good work and happy growing...
Yes, thank u guys for the help. I'm not certain what I changed that really made such a difference, but whether it was the soil or just the room that there in. But whatever the issue was I definitely fixed it. Now I can't wait to get these gals up to size and induce flowering.