Plants Dying please help!


Well-Known Member
:-( Plants are just about 2 1/2 weeks old, already lost 3 most likely 4 out of the 10 we started with. They are under a 300W LED, using fox farm soil, ph is between 5.7 and 6.0 depending on the plant. 24 hour light cycle. Watered at first with tap water that sat out for more than 24 hour period, then when they started dying switched to reverse osmosis water. Water every few days. The light is about 6 inches from the plants. Some of the leaves have yellowing on the tips and one plant the leaves are growing straight up. Some leaves are curled under and others are curled up. There is no sign of bugs.

One plant is healthy the rest are in trouble. Please help before we lose them all.
I was checking out the thread and I think its your soil and pH....FF Soil is "hot" for seedlings...should use happy frog or some Light Warrior.....You might want to flush one of them ie: pour 3 times the amount of water through your soil and test your run-off to see what the pH levels are. I would also recommend if you do flushing it, use straight 7.0pH water. I have a filter on my faucet and i always get my water at 6.8pH out the filter. You can go to Wal-Mart and get a good one for about $20.
Another thing you might want to invest in is a Moisture Meter. Lowes has them for $7.59. It is a must have tool for growing....

Flushing your soil will give you a clean slate too for your plants...At least try it with one of them. I had Moisture stress/Nute Lockout/K Deficiency all kinds of problem with my plant...Just hang in there, there are a lot of good people who will help....I am a nOOb but if I can help I will....

Hope that helped...
Good Luck.



Active Member
It's burn. You're using FOX Farms Ocean Forest, right? That's hot as hell for seedlings. I'd probably just pick them out with a little of the dirt still attached to the root system and put them in soiless mix, water the soiless first of course. Than after they are growing great put them back in the OF or buy happy frog and put them in that. Of course plants that get burned young usually snap out of it, even if you do nothing. Don't water them unless they are totally dry cover those puppies with a clear plastic lid so they don't dry out so quick. Everytime you water it releases nutes so if you water them to much the more nute burn you'll get.


Active Member
It's burn. You're using FOX Farms Ocean Forest, right? That's hot as hell for seedlings. I'd probably just pick them out with a little of the dirt still attached to the root system and put them in soiless mix, water the soiless first of course. Than after they are growing great put them back in the OF or buy happy frog and put them in that. Of course plants that get burned young usually snap out of it, even if you do nothing. Don't water them unless they are totally dry cover those puppies with a clear plastic lid so they don't dry out so quick. Everytime you water it releases nutes so if you water them to much the more nute burn you'll get.
FFOF hot for seedlings? That is incorrect in my opinion. My plants 1 week in with FFOF only and distilled H20 below



Well-Known Member
FFOF hot for seedlings? That is incorrect in my opinion. My plants 1 week in with FFOF only and distilled H20 below
It also depends on the strain as well. Honestly its one of those debates on FFOF. IMO its very effective mixed with Light Warrior.

Your babies are looking sweet for 1 week, keep up the good work bro! :leaf:
I am having a problem with mine right now:wall:




Active Member
I have grown over 30+ diff strains in FFOF from seed and no problems ever! No Perlite,Light Warrior, or anything mixed. Just FFOF and distilled water ;] Maybe some people get a bag of FFOF that is hotter than others =/ I always mix my whole bag together for 5 minutes before I use it and have never had any problems. Another amazing seed starter I have used is Roots Organic Green fields Mix. Same results as FFOF. Thanks for the compliment btw =]


The best thing to do if you have a soil Ph problem is to wash out the roots or neutralize the soil by taking it back to 6.5. you can do that using very small amounts of hydrogen peroxide. This will stop and give the roots and plants another chance. But chasing Ph numbers is number one really boring and very hard on your plants. So young I would wash the plants clean and allow the medium you use as long as it's soil with plenty of food it it. Let the plants start to feed off the medium your using. LET me know if you need more help.
Arno j
How much hydrogen peroxide should we use and how often should we use it, we would be using the store bought 3% grade. We were doing some research on it and were thinking that a cap full per plant per week would be ok. What do you think? How many times do we need to do that before switching back to pure water? There is some new leaf growth on the plants. We are down to 3 WW plants. Hopefully we can save them.