Plants getting worse, please help!! PICS!


Active Member
What's up everyone, hoping someone can help me out before my girls die! So I had some problems before (link) and got some CaliMagic by GH and now the leaves are even worse. Based on the pics does anyone have any ideas?


1x 600W MH Air-Cooled hood
2x WaterFarm Hydro units w/ Hydroton (2x Jack Herer clones in each)
pH kept at 6.0-6.5 checked daily manually and digitally
PPM maintained at 700
Using 4mL of FloraNova per gal
Use GH FloraShield
Temp kept at 72 and 50-60% humidity

Thanks for any advice! :leaf:download2.jpgdownload1.jpg


Active Member
how long would you say it generally takes to start seeing improvements? I tested the water just now and both reservoirs had risen from 5.5 and 5.6 to 6.2 and 6.1 so I lowered them back down respectively.


Well-Known Member
Thats why hydro is a pain in the arse.... What are you using to bring your ph down? If I did hydro I would ALWAYS use RO water because I think the ph stays "more stable". I would say she should take about a week to 10 days to start recover..


Active Member
I'm using RO water too, and use Gen hydro pH up and down. What is the best way to keep the pH from fluctuating so much?


Well-Known Member
ummmm thats a great question, Ill leave that to a hydro person.. But since your using RO water your gonna wanna supplement with some calmag also or you'll run into problems during flowering..


Well-Known Member
I had somewhat similar looking problems with a waterfarm but solved it with information gathered here. The waterfarm drip ring can spatter nutes on the leaves and do damage. I tented my ring with aluminum foil. That worked.

I also had my light too close causing a heat issue.

You had asked when the leaves will recover. I dont think damaged leaves ever recover. New leaves will emerge undamaged. Thats how you know you have solved the problem.

I just through out the splatter issue because I see your ring is not tented.

Good luck.


Active Member
how big is your res? too small there is less water and more room for fluctuations.. also ph in my system is ideal at 5.8 - 6.2 any lower i start to see problems


Active Member
how big is your res? too small there is less water and more room for fluctuations.. also ph in my system is ideal at 5.8 - 6.2 any lower i start to see problems
My res is 2 gal. I am thinking of upgrading to the larger reservoir system from Gen Hydro. I've been getting lots of different info about the best pH. Have you been using a WaterFarm?


Active Member
Thanks for the advice. I heard about this and tried putting more hydroton to prevent splashing but the rocks always move whenever I have to take the bucket out of the res. I';; try your foil method, just have to avoid making any hot spots. Maybe I'll try a non-reflective material first.