Does no one else here get the concept of My Liberty Ends Where Your Liberty Begins?
THAT'S the point Florida is making. When you grow on public lands you can only harm a collective group. That means that no one person is taking your hit. If you grow on a private individual's land (and I'd better not catch any fucking gits on my land, either, and up here you WILL be shot at, and dont' expect Mr. Sheriff's-Deputy-Man to come and save your sorry ignorant ass, either) you're infringing on an individual. Up here in Gold Country those who've been here since '48-'49 (as in 18, not 19) know and understand the concept of others who WILL take advantage and being able to stand your own ground. They do it to this day.
Was this "hay field" public property or PRIVATE prorperty? Sorry to point this out.... but if it was private property then you got what you deserved.
I know it sucks to lose plants..... but you had no right to grow on someone else's private property. it a lesson learned and find a better spot next time
Yes, I happen to agree, but do you know how many write-ups, just on this site alone, and posts there are about guerilla growing using SOMEONE ELSE'S property? Honestly, to me it's ridiculous, all in the effort to be able to say, "Nuh uh, wasn't me!" Fuck that, I grow on my deck or my property, not someone else's.
I dont know if he got what he
deserved?thats just the risk of guerilla growing.
It's a risk, but what about the other guy? The one whose hayfield was planted with pot. Doesn't he spend money on nutrients and fertilizer (and tractors) and all that, not to mention the taxes, so that he can get a bomb hay grow, rather like the way we spend money on nutrients and fertilizers and good soil so we can get a bomb weed grow?
no need for that florida girl you are preachin but growing is illegal anyway so what difference does it make where she grows?
Also, it's illegal so...? So what? Help make it legal so no one has to perform or be subjected to a guerilla grow. By that statement you're trying to mitigate the infringement point, and absolutely not helping the cause at all. Because then Mr. & Mrs. Normal Joe will look and say, "Those dirty potsmokers, they don't have any respect for anyone." And they'll be right.
Florida girl you have a point, but its just contradicting.
Growing is illegal period. Unless you have a med card etc..
So why put limits on where or how? public land or private?
If you are gonna break the law, then that is the risk you are taking,, there are no rules.
THIS right here is what's going to KEEP us from getting it even decriminalized. Do you not see the failure in your logic here?
You dont have the criminal mindset?So because we grow guerilla we are criminals,but because yours are in your house your not?
No. Because she does not extrapolate the same way you and others do. She doesn't say to herself, "Well, I'm doing this much that's illegal, I may as well shoot my whole wad and do EVERYTHING that's illegal!" That would be moronic, which is what a lot of people who can't grasp the concept of not infringing upon others must be, because I can't explain it any other way.
Also, she didn't get nasty with you, Chewwy, until you got nasty with her. If she's on the rag, what's your excuse?