Well-Known Member
Could be that they know I have their babies vegging that will keep their genetics alive so they want to keep me happy.Dude, they love you so much they just wanna keep giving back to a good care-taker![]()
Could be that they know I have their babies vegging that will keep their genetics alive so they want to keep me happy.Dude, they love you so much they just wanna keep giving back to a good care-taker![]()
hahaha thats true. They know who holds the keyCould be that they know I have their babies vegging that will keep their genetics alive so they want to keep me happy.
Looks like Nitrogen toxicity...maybe K deficent too....
Didn't watch the video, but yes, plants communicate. If you have, say, 3 plants in the ground next to each other, and you kill 1, the other 2 will know that there is danger near. The microbes in the soil help plants to communicate and give or take nutrients from one area of soil to another. I learned this thru studying Electro-Magnetic culture. I can probably dig up old studies. My favorite article/site was called "plantricity", which applied electric frequencies directly to the plants to speed plant production. Kind of off topic, but worth the read IMO.
If my plants were conscious they wouldn't bud because they would know I was going to kill them, lol.
Should I feel guilty for smoking them?I’d like to share this with everyone and start a conversation.
Our beloved plants have consciousness. In fact every living thing does.
Common knowledge is that animals, insects etc have feelings but not plants, trees, microbes...
This is not the truth - how wonderful! The mystery of life.
Here is a explanation of how consciousness is infinite. And that the consciousness in you reading these words has never and will never die. Only the body or object it possess.
Say you take a cutting of a plant and clone it. As it’s in the process of producing roots the mother plant is then killed. See how this doesn’t affect the clone? Yet it’s still alive!! Consciousness is the invisible yet perceivable reality connecting us with everything.
I had an experience where I got really pissed off around my plants - usually they make me happy but I knocked off a plant which fell on another and broke a branch. Just shouted ‘FUCK!!’
I cleaned up and taped the branch back but I noticed all the other 6 plants in there were drooping when they were nice and perky just before.
Amazing things these plants!
Treat em with respect and they’ll look after you.
Here’s a video If some folk need more awareness on the subject.
Should I feel guilty for smoking them?
Define consciousness. While it is clear nonsentient organisms react and interact with their environment, i posit it is strictly proteins, molecular chains, and other motor functions in chain reactions that mimick consciousness. Auxin makes plants turn towards a light source. Plant toxins evolved for protection. These, imo, do not denote consciousness.
Hmmm they "remembered" now there's a massive assumption there,.Consciousness; using the word lightly, bc its consciousness in their way. In a study and a movie too where, techs took young plants (2-3wks veg) turned them on their side, froze them in darkness for ~24hrs later etc, reintroduced them into their environment. Despite it being "knocked over" and completely frozen that way, it remembered which way the light was by previously establishing a communication network with geotropism/phototropism /soil..etc. Plants are not plain! lol
Let's not mention the shirt ffs.Looks like Nitrogen toxicity...maybe K deficent too....![]()
These are assumptions and probably your beliefs, there is no objective proof, my belief is a lot like yours but with some main differences, I believe, I could actually say it's true.If you want. Although u are just smoking yourself. You are Earth and so is it.
No living thing escapes death. That’s what makes grass just as equal as us. Although mankind likes to think otherwise lol
. What Socrates discovered was that none of these people knew anything, but they all thought they did. Socrates concluded he was wiser than them, because he at least knew that he knew nothing.
If you want. Although u are just smoking yourself. You are Earth and so is it.
No living thing escapes death. That’s what makes grass just as equal as us. Although mankind likes to think otherwise lol
These are assumptions and probably your beliefs, there is no objective proof, my belief is a lot like yours but with some main differences, I believe, I could actually say it's true.
Socrates was credited as saying " I know I know nothing"
A belief is just that something one chooses to believe, personally I live forever mate, don't know about you.
But what about speeding up death? If I am consciousness, and so is the plant, is it my illusory mind's choice to kill the plant or is the consciousness essentially deciding to kill itself prematurely?
Just as when you see a spider on your wall and you have the choice of killing it or taking it with a pice of paper and throwing it outside.
Is your mind freely choosing or it is all already written and we don't realise it therefore the illusion of choice is born?
Even more frightening, is it all just entropy and we as humans have the need to categorize it to have order in our lives?
That would mean that even the illusion itself is just an illusion.
Consciousness is simply awareness or being. It is totally abstract in the sense it can’t be measured with the human senses. Yet it is the very thing that gives us the ability to measure - awareness.
So do these inanimate iron filings possess a conscious? They are aware of and reacting to its surroundings...similar to a plants motions